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Louis had been wrong, because over a week had gone by, and he was still very much pregnant.

But he didn't want to be pregnant anymore, and because at 38 weeks it was more than ok for the baby to come, he had been going out on a lot of walks to try to induce labor.

But so far, he hadn't had any luck, so he was just going to keep walking until it happened.

September had just started, but the weather was surprisingly still very nice, so after Leah woke up from her nap that afternoon, he grabbed the stroller and went out to walk with Leah and the dog.

Leah was perfectly capable of walking, and she had done that for the first 3 blocks, but she had started to complain, so Louis sat her in the stroller, which he always took with him, knowing that Leah got bored of walking often, and he wasn't going to carry her in his arms.

And because Louis knew Leah was getting restless in the stroller, he took her to the park, where she right away pointed at the swings, which were her favorite thing in the playground.

He was pushing the swing with Leah in it, his left hand busy holding Otto's leash, when his phone buzzed in his pocked, so he fished it out his pocket, and picked up when he saw it was a Harry calling.

"Hey, babe" Louis picked up.

"Hey" Harry said back "How's everything? How are you feeling?".

"Too pregnant" Louis sighed.

"And no contractions today?" Harry questioned.

"Not even the fake ones" Louis replied "I've been walking all day though, we're even an the park low, but it's not working".

"He'll come when he's ready" Harry assured him.


"Anyway, I was calling because I'm gonna go to the lawyer's office today with Niall" Harry explained.

Louis knew he was talking about the lawyer that was the executor of aunt Carol's will.

"I thought you were doing that tomorrow" Louis frowned, as that's what he had told him the night before.

"I was, but Niall just told me he just had a meeting scheduled for tomorrow that might run late, so we're going today" Harry explained.

"Uhm... okay" Louis accepted.

"I don't know how long I will be, so if I'm not back when you're hungry, just have dinner without me".

"Sure" Louis agreed.

"But let me know if you start having contractions or anything like that " Harry added.

"I will" Louis agreed "Just... uhm... do you feel okay about going to see the lawyer and everything?".

"Yes, it's fine, babe" Harry brushed off "I have to go now, I love you".

"Love you" Louis said back, and the call ended.

Louis had been getting a little frustrated with Harry lately, because he wasn't sharing what he felt with him; ever since the death of his aunt, he had been very closed off when it came to his feelings, which wasn't how a relationship was supposed to work.

And what frustrated Louis the most was the fact that Harry was talking to Niall about it, and even though he understood that Niall was his best friend, almost his brother, and that he had known him for years and years, he wished Harry could trust him in the same way he trusted Niall.

By the time Louis arrived home with Leah and Otto, he was exhausted and also annoyed that the long walk hadn't work at all to induce labor, and after giving Otto food, he made dinner despite being tired, because he was starving. And because Harry hadn't arrived by the time he was done cooking, he just had dinner with Leah.

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