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Harry was covered in work because the new academic year at the University had already started.

This was only the first year that he had 2 classes all to himself to teach, last year he had only one class, and the year before, he still hadn't gotten his PhD, so he had only been an assistant professor.

And he obviously had to prepare for those clases, as he had always wanted to be one of those professors that kids wanted to take classes with because they were good, he never wanted to be one of those boring professors that were always chosen last. So after teaching a class early that morning, he had been preparing his class for tomorrow and the classes for next week, as it was Thursday, and he didn't want to spend the weekend working.

He had come home after lunch, and it was the evening now, but he was still working in his study, when he heard the doorbell, and he frowned because he wasn't expecting anyone.

Maybe it was Niall?

He used to show up announced before, but he had barely done it once or twice since he had his kid.

Harry got up from his chair, and walked out of the study, heading to the door, and he was surprised to see Louis there.

"Hey?" Harry said confused.

"Hi" Louis replied.

"Why are you here?" Harry questioned.

"Because we said I'd come over tonight?" Louis replied.

"No, we didn't" Harry denied.

"Yes, we did" Louis insisted "Can I use your bathroom before we continue this? I'm about to piss my pants".

"Yeah, sure" Harry allowed, and let Louis inside the flat.

"Thanks!" Louis exclaimed as he ran to the bathroom.

Harry was truly confused as to why was Louis here, the last time they had seen each other had been 2 days ago, and he didn't remember them agreeing that day that they would meet again today.

Then Harry suddenly remembered getting a text from Louis that morning, but he had been busy so he hadn't paid much attention, so he went to get his phone to the study to see what it said, and sure enough, he asked if he could come over tonight, and to that Harry had replied 'sure'.

He had probably replied in a hurry, without even noticing what he had agreed on.

"Sorry for that" Louis said as he came out of the bathroom "Where were we?".

"I didn't remember that I said okay to your text this morning, but I saw it now" Harry explained.

"So we're good?" Louis questioned.

"I'm actually a little busy" Harry said apologetically.

"Are you with someone else?" Louis asked, his eyes wide.

But he didn't seem jealous.

Why would he be jealous?

They weren't in a relationship.

"No, no" Harry shook his head "I was just working".

"Oh" Louis said "Then maybe I should leave?".

"Uhm, no... you can stay" Harry told him "I'm almost done with work, I just need half an hour? Would you mind waiting?".

"I can wait" Louis shrugged.

"Great" Harry smiled "You can do whatever, watch the telly, read a book, and you can eat whatever you want from the fridge".

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now