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The first time Louis felt the baby moving was at 13 weeks, but it was very mild, so he did his best to ignore the movement and try to get on with his life as normal.

At about 15 weeks the movement became pretty evident, but still Louis fought against even thinking about it, because he knew that if he thought about the fact that it was his baby moving in him, he would get attached.

But at 17 weeks, the baby became 100% impossible to ignore, and not only because his baby bump was very noticeably at this point, but also the baby was also moving constantly, making Louis think about him or her all the time. The only times he didn't think about the baby was when he was sleeping and when he was having sex.

Hence, why he was going to bed early almost every day, and why he went over to Harry's to have sex almost every other day.

Now, at 19 weeks pregnant, he was supposed to go in for a new appointment that afternoon with the baby's 'parents', and he was dreading it, because he hated being in their presence, he just didn't like them anymore.

Not that he had even seen Richard Pearson in months, he hadn't even bothered to show up to one appointment since Louis was pregnant, and the excuse was always work.

So Louis hated him the most.

But it was still the morning, so he didn't have to face them still, instead, he was fighting with the bed sheets, knowing he needed to get up, but he didn't feel like it.

And that's when the baby started moving like crazy.

"Stop moving please" Louis told the baby as he softly rubbed his baby bump.

But that obviously didn't work, and the baby kept making his or her presence known, and Louis groaned, and got up from the bed, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for himself.

Zayn had already left, leaving a trail of dirty dishes behind him, so after Louis ate, he cleaned up the kitchen, the living room, and his room, then got dressed and went out for a jog, making himself do it, because he didn't want to end up this pregnancy being big as a whale.

Because Louis didn't have a serious job, he liked to do volunteer work at least twice a week, which he had started doing about 4 years ago. Since then, he had volunteered in a bunch of different things, homeless shelters, animal shelters, soup kitchens, you name it.

For the past few months, though, he had been volunteering at a retirement home, where he mainly just kept the old people company by reading to those who had lost their sight or had it diminished, by playing cards with others, or simply by just listening to them tell their stories from their youth.

Louis liked going there a lot, because most of the old people were really nice, and they were always so happy to see him, so it always warmed his heart.

He spent around 4 hours there that day, and he would have stayed longer, but he had that stupid appointment to go to, so after saying goodbye to everyone, he left and headed over to Dr. Kraus' clinic.

He actually got there 15 minutes later than he should've, so when they showed him to the exam room, not only Dr. Kraus was already there, but also Rachel Pearson, and most surprisingly, her husband Richard was there too.

"Sorry, I'm late" Louis apologized after he said hello.

"It's alright, Louis" Rachel replied "We used the time to ask Dr. Kraus some questions".

"Okay" Louis replied.

"How have you been feeling?" Rachel questioned.

"Alright" Louis replied.

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