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Flynn turned a year old in September, which was an insane thing to happen, because in Louis' head he was still a tiny little baby.

Except he wasn't, he was actually a little boy now, not a baby, he was walking now, even running, making life for Louis quite difficult, as he kept having to run after him and bent down, which was very bad for his back.

At 36 weeks pregnant, though, he had gone into maternity leave, which was a relief, as he got to stay home alone and rest in the mornings, which he needed. He had been pregnant 7 times now, and this was by far the hardest, in the sense that he was more tired, and rightly so, as he was a mum of two very small children.

Harry did more than his part though, and had started doing on his own many tasks that they normally split, like giving baths to the kids, cleaning and making the bed.

"Alright, we are going to have quiet time now" Louis told Flynn that afternoon.

It was the weekend, and after breakfast Harry had gone out with Leah to walk the dog, but Flynn had stayed with Louis, refusing and even crying when Harry tried to put him in the stroller. He just wanted his mummy today.

"No" Flynn said as he tried to climb the couch.

Louis sat down on it, and pulled Flynn up, and held him next to him.

"Yes, we're just going to stay here and chill, because mummy's back is killing him" Louis told his toddler.

"Mama" Flynn said as he stood on the couch, and threw himself at Louis.

"Why are you so clingy today?" Louis asked him as he held his son "Mama needs to rest".

But that only caused Flynn to start jumping.

How did this kid have so much energy?

"Hey, sit down here, next to mama" Louis told him and patted the couch "Sit down".

Flynn plopped down on his bum, and looked at Louis with his green eyes wide open, which meant he had listened for once. But not even a second later he got up again, and he put his little hands on Louis' belly and pushed on it.

"Don't do that, mama has a baby in his tummy, remember?" Louis told him as he gently removed the little hands off his belly "You can touch mummy's belly but you have to be gentle and soft".

Flynn didn't like being told no, but Louis was firm about it, because he needed his son to learn to be gentle, especially once the baby came, he didn't want Flynn to be rough with his newborn sister.

"Soft" Louis insisted as he took Flynn's hand and put it over the bump.

Flynn moved his hand a little, and he was actually very gentle, but then his eyes got big when Hazel kicked.

"That's just baby sister saying hi" Louis explained.

But Flynn had had enough, and he got off the couch, and ran away to his room, and only a minute later...

"Mama!" Flynn called.

Louis groaned and he got up, his hands on his back, and he went to the room that was Flynn's and Leah's, and found his son had grabbed some of his toys from the toy bin and he brought them to Louis.

"You wanna play with these?" Louis asked him.

"We're back!" Harry's voice suddenly said.

"Thank god" Louis sighed, and left the kids' room and found Harry, Leah and Otto in the entrance of the flat.

"Mummy, I'm hungwy" Leah announced.

"Daddy's going to make you and Flynn a snack" Louis said and looked at Harry "Please watch them both? My back is killing me, I need to lay down".

The Lying  Game ~ larry mpreg auWhere stories live. Discover now