"You want to stay with Uncle Lou, baby?" Daddy said.

  Aaron looked up at Daddy and nodded tentatively. Daddy felt like he'd been punched in the heart, and even with its strength, it shattered to pieces, sharp shards falling lifelessly to the bottom of his ribcage. He knew that Aaron probably preferred Lou, but it hurt—he was hurt at the rejection, and he couldn't deny it, nor could he hide it with how conspicuously his eyebrows raised or how his jaw slackened. But he didn't allow the pain to last too long. Quickly, he gathered himself and smiled instead. "Alright, love. If that's what you want. Put your arm around his neck then."

  Lou had felt proud to say the least. He was beyond happy his baby chose him, but he noticed how Daddy's expression dropped, how disappointed he was, and it ate away part of his joy. He felt bad for him; he wanted Aaron to grow used to him, too, but Daddy wasn't exactly working as hard as him to build a relation with him. "Um, it's okay. If he doesn't want to—"

Daddy grabbed Aaron's wrist and forcibly led his arm around Lou's neck, lastly setting his hand down just by his shoulder. He put a pacifier in his mouth and pointed at the lens of camera.

Aaron didn't protest and maintained the position, every muscle frozen to the core, his jaw still aching with remote pain. The captor's threat resonated in the air.

"See, Lou," Daddy said with a smile, "Aaron wants to."

No, Lou thought, frowning internally. Aaron didn't want to. He didn't agree.

  Daddy went to Leo and held him, then everybody took the formal stance right in front of the creamy wall: Mommy in the middle with Daddy and Lou at both sides. The timer had been set, and in a few seconds the picture was taken.

  Lou was relieved it was done, perhaps just as much as Aaron was. He'd known it would be a bad idea, he'd known very well how badly Aaron would take it, yet he couldn't do anything. "Look, love," Lou said, readjusting his arm under Aaron. "You were such a good boy. Now it's all done."

   Aaron didn't answer, remaining still, his cheeks tainted with a faint rosy hue. His body was still entirely tense and his chest was heaving a little faster than it should. It took only one look for Lou to understand why he was still so uncomfortable; Daddy was standing just beside them, watching them, and Aaron must've noticed.

  Lou decided he needed to take him away from Daddy so he'd calm down, but before he could, Daddy strode across the room with the camera and tripod in his hands, then he disappeared past the threshold.

Lou quickly settled with Aaron on the couch, seating him sideways on his lap, feet propped against the cushion and head leant on the front of Lou's shoulder. Aaron spat the pacifier out, but he didn't exactly react when Lou positioned him, because he was far too busy drowning in the mess of his mind, wondering how terrible it would be if the pictures ever leaked into social media or something. He'd never be able to look anyone in the eye anymore.

  Aaron didn't know how it was possible, but he felt a wave of scorching heat wash over him, burning his skin like the sun itself rolled all over him. The clothes suddenly felt constricting. Too constricting. His hands treaded to his neck, fingers scratching down his skin before tugging harshly at the bow. He didn't even understand the sudden unexplainable heat, but he had a feeling it didn't have to do with weather.

  Lou clearly noticed how his baby was fidgeting on his lap, moving and scratching frantically. The rosy color of his cheeks intensified slightly, and he quickly brushed a hand against his forehead, gasping at the fever. "Baby, you feel too warm. Maybe we should take something off?" When Aaron nodded, Lou quickly helped him out of the blazer. He hung it over the back of the couch then loosened the tie until it lay openly down both sides of his neck, no longer constricting. "Better?"

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