nationals day two

Start from the beginning

"grace you need help?" i ask her. she hands me her hairpiece and i bobby pin it in her head. "thanks." she says and i nod. "i need my airpods." she says. "your airpods? why?" i ask. "to listen to my music and go over the dance." she says. "ohh ok. it's probably in cheryl's purse. you can check." i say and she goes to cheryl.

there's a lot less people in the dressing room today which is good because there's more room to breathe. betty and veronica are helping the twins right now so i help tayleigh.

"are you ready for your solo?" i ask. "yea i think so." tay says. "would you be mad at me if i didn't win?" she asks nervously. "tay why would you even ask that? of course not! i'm proud of you no matter what." i say. "ok good. i'm just checking because i don't want to worry about winning. i just want to have fun." she says.

"exactly. that's the mindset i love." i say and hug her. "but what if one of the twins beats me?" she asks. "again tayleigh i'm proud of you no matter what. you just go out on stage and have the time of your life. i don't care if you don't even place at all. just have fun." i say and she squeezes me. "thanks mom." she says. "of course." i say.

vivi and evi come out of the practice room and i think there ready to go on stage. "the duet is going on stage soon!" michelle says and high fives the two girls. she's a really good teacher for the girls and she's really good with kids. ev and vivi both look really excited and are ready to go.

"are all the soloists ready?" michelle asks and they all say yes. we follow them out of the dressing room and downstairs. making sure to tell all our family when we pass them in the lobby. solos run a lot smoother then group dances so they all get to go backstage at the same time because there dances are pretty much back to back today.

me and cheryl make sure to gather up all our girls and give them a pep talk. "each and every single one of you is going to do amazing on stage today. you guys make me and mom so proud and we love getting to see you guys dance. so just get out there and show the judges everything you've got. just have fun." cheryl says.

"thanks!" tayleigh says and hugs us. "thank you!" gracie says and joins the hug. ella joins the hug too but ev is just staring at me.

"ev you good?-" i ask. "i'm gonna throw up." she says and we immediately break the hug. "what?" cheryl asks. "i'm gonna throw up." she says again and tears fill her eyes. "it's ok evi your freaking yourself out. just breathe." angelica says. i guess she overheard the conversation. ev starts breathing heavier and me and cher look at each other. i take ev to the bathroom in case she actually was going to throw up.

"are you going to throw up or are you just nervous?" i ask. "um nervous." she says. "there's nothing to be nervous about. i promise ." i say. "you swear?" she asks. "i swear. if you can solve algebra at age 5 you can definitely go on stage and dance with your best friend." i tell her. "ok. i don't have to throw up anymore." she says.

"good. come here give me a hug." i say and hold my arms out. she immediately runs to me and wraps her arms around my neck. "thank you." she whispers. "your welcome. and i love you." i say. "i love you too." she says and i kiss her on the cheek.

we walk out of the bathroom hand in hand and she joins the rest of the girls to go backstage. "everything ok?" cher asks. "yea she's good now." i say. "ok all soloists follow me back stage." michelle says.

all us adults and kids not performing go to the auditorium and find seats. there's about 25 of us in total just sitting in a clump. that's what family is for though. i'm glad there all here even if they don't have kids performing. it's always fun when we're all together.

"coming to the stage now is entry number 312 this is true colors." the announcer says and we all scream and clap. vivi and evi come on stage and perform there duet. they are both so small and adorable and the whole dance made my heart melt. they looked like little princesses.

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