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Screams. Panic. I felt it, every emotion from every single Kryptonian around me. I stood there frozen, tears rolling down my face as I came to understand that my home planet will cease to exist.

"Nala Vel-Tem!" A voice cried out. I wasn't tall enough to see. "Nala Vel-Tem!" Two voices said in unison. I ran towards the voices to only see my pale faced Mother and my Father, I wiped my eyes.

"You had us worried sick. Come on let's hurry home." My Father said. We scrambled as Krypton shook, when we finally arrived there was only one pod present. My Mother gave me a bracelet and my Dad a necklace.

"I don't understand." I said.

"The El's were kind enough to give us a spare pod. We don't want you to face the same fate as us. You have so much to live for. Inside your necklace is a message and instructions. You'll know what to do." He said to me.

"I can't leave you guys here. I don't wanna go without you." I said as a single tear fell down my cheek. My Father got on one knee and wiped the stray tear.

"It's ready." My Mothet said.

"Oh my sweet babygirl. As much as it hurts to let go, we will always be in your heart." He said, my Mom handed me a picture and my Dad put me in the pod. They kissed my cheeks.

"We love you." They said in unison as my Dad pushed the button to launch the pod. The pod closed and I was shot out of Krypton's orbit. I felt the vibrations from the planet's explosion indicating that I have just got out in the nick of time. My heart shattered in a million pieces that night. It took none of the less eight hours to crash into Earth. I landed in a forest. The landing was so rough that I thought I might've broken my neck. It was thundering and raining pretty hard and all I've seen was a tall silhouette walk towards me. The man wiped the pod off so that he could see what was inside. To his surprise, he did not expect that I would look so human. He said something but I could not hear anything. He came back with a truck, my pod opened and I started to get wet. He placed his state trooper jacket over me and helped me out of the pod. He helped me get in his truck and then he placed and covered my pod on the back of his truck.

"Crap!" The man uttered to himself as he got in the truck. He looked over at me, I started to cry. "No, no. I'm sorry. I wasn't talking about you." He said and then he noticed the picture I held onto tightly in my hands. "Are those your parents?" I nodded. "I don't supposed you're from around here are you?" He asked. I shook my head. "Alright let's get you some food and dry clothes." He said as he drove off. I silently cried most of the way to this strangers house. Then he realized that I don't even know anything about him.

"Um, my name is Mike, Mike Velez. What's your name?" He asked.

"Nala." I sniffled.

"Well it's nice to meet you Nala. I'm not sure what happened and whenever you're ready, you'll tell me or my very pregnant wife." He said. We have arrived at his home. He jumped out of his truck and I watched as the large door closed. "Uh. You wait here, I'll be right back." I nodded. I sat there for about thirty minutes. He wasn't kidding when he said his wife was very pregnant.

"Hello Nala, I'm Alessandra. Welcome to our home." She said with a smile as he opened the truck door. I jumped out of the truck. I hesitated at first but she looked at me with her piercing hazel eyes and held out her hand. I held took her hand as she walked me to the guest room and I looked around and he had got me a towel. I wrapped myself in the towel as I shivered. "Come and let me warm you up." She said. I nodded as she tried to wrap her arms around my body an tried to dry as much rain water as she could off of me.

"So all I could get you for now one of my old shirts until sometime tomorrow. If there even is time tomorrow, because it's the big day." He said.

"Big Day?" I asked as I then looked at her stomach. "Oh. Is it a boy?"

"Yes, that's a great guess." She said.

"I never had a brother." I said.

"I was going to ask, but I guess you've confirmed it." He said smiling. "Tomorrow I'll also take you to the DEO to get registered." I smiled. "Is that a smile?"

"Yes it was honey." She said.

"I guess you're smiling now kiddo huh." He said as he got on a knee and started tickling my sides. We started laughing and then she stopped laughing.

"Ooh. I don't think tomorrow is an option." She said as he looked down. "My water broke."

And on that night of July 13th and the morning of the 14th will forever be the most important days of my life.

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