Time To Say Goodbye (II)

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"Well breakfast was wonderful and I personally think that if everyone can, we should move them in and us out." I said.

"I think that's a good idea since I have the day off." Kara said.

"I'm not busy at all." Alex said.

"I'm out of the office today." Lena said.

"I'm technically the boss." Brainy said.

"This is a good idea but honey you can lift." Mr. Velez said.

"I know but, there are other things I can do." I said and we started moving everything. It took us about three hours to move everything. I mostly helped taking our things out of the room closet and drawers and helped Jude arrange his room and hang up his clothes and put up any photos and posters he wanted.

"We did good." Kara said.

"Yeah, my room is pretty huge." Jude said.

"Yup, and I am still honored to have an honorary room." I said.

"Of course. After all this house has about five rooms." Mrs. Velez said. Winn grabbed a clicker and clicked the button and it opened a portal.

"Well shall we?" Winn asked as he held out his hand. I grabbed it and stepped straight into our new home everyone including Krypto stepped over. "Tada. Welcome to the Schotts permanent residence."

"The inside is gorgeous." My Dad said.

"Yeah but wait the outside is literally like it's hidden but it's just our own land and a seven minute drive from the neighbors both ways." Winn said.

"When you say it looks like you guys live in the middle of no where, you really meant it." Alex said looking out the window.

"Yeah, really secluded. However, downstairs is more impressive and then upstairs you know. But the nursery is almost done, just waiting for a couple of more items and such." Winn said.

"Can we see it?" Kara said with her eyes lighting up.

"Yes." He said. We all went upstairs and we went to the gray room. We looked at the shelves that were filled with empty frames, diapers and two little silver rattles. "It is a bit empty, their closet isn't." He slid the closet open and it was filled.

"And thank you all for the clothes." I said.

"There's still things coming." Kara said with a nervous laugh.

"Like?" I asked.

"A swing set, stuffed animals, and tons of other things." She said adjusting her glasses in a true Kara fashion.

"Yeah it might be wall to wall of stuffed animals." Lena said.

"You guys that's super sweet but there are other children." I pointed at Ramsey and he giggled.

"Yeah he's got extras." Mrs. Velez said.

"Ok." I said.

"Oh and maybe more clothes." James said.

"As long as they are toddler size, newborn and up to just one t has been covered." I said. We then moved on the living room. The guys moved the couches from the old house into the new one and placed the couches from the Velez home into our old home.

"And everyone's couches and love seats have been placed where they should be." Brainy said.

"Yeah." James said sitting down.

"So shall we?" My Mom asked holding the Pictionary game.

"Oh you guys are going down." Kara said.

"No telepathic abilities." Winn said.

"How should we divide the teams?" Jude asked.

"Uh teams of four?" James asked.

"I'm on my sister's team." Jude said sitting next to me.

"Me too." Nia said standing behind us.

"I call team Winn." Brainy said.

"Never said I wanted to be Team leader." He said.

"Aww I wanted to be on your team." James said.

"Wow. Then I'm team Nala for the win." Lena said.

"Danvers Sisters." Kara and Alex high fived.

"I call team Danvers." Kelly said.

"I do too." William said.

"Team parents?" Mr. Velez said as he and my Dad high fived.

About an hour later...

"Ok, in the lead we have both Team Super Justice, and Team Super Girl. In second we have Team Toyman and last Team Parents." M'gann said.

"Wait how many points are we behind?" J'onn asked.

"A fifty point difference from us." I said.

"Have the Danvers met their match?" Jude teased and Alex stuck out her tongue.

We laughed, ok Nala it's your turn." M'gann said as she handed me the marker.

"Ok." I looked at the word. I then flipped the timer and began drawing.

"Snowman?" Lena said.

"No." I said.

"Does it have a head?" Nia asked.

"Wait, is that a baby?" Jude asked and I stopped drawing and I put an "x 2" next to it. "TWINS!" My team shouted.

"With three seconds to spare." I said.

"They won." J'onn said.

"They had to have cheated." Kara said in awe.

"Nope, not at all. We just make a really good team." I said with a smile a tear strayed from my eye. I wiped my eyes and everyone gave me a hug. "Gosh, I know its not like I am going to be totally unreachable, but I really am gonna miss you all. Just seeing you all on a daily bases."

"We will miss you both. I mean we are gonna see you on the big day." Kara said.

"National city won't be the same without you." Nia said.

"My idea, but mom took the time to do it. But we made you a blanket, it's with all of anything National City, UCLA, DEO and of course L-Corp and Superfriends you own and all of the family trips. We were supposed to give it to you at your college graduation but I said we should wait but now its done." Jude said handing me the blanket.

"I will burst into tears, this is so beautiful." I said as I hugged him. "Thank you all. You guys are my family. No matter where in the galaxy, space or time I am. I love you all." J'onn opened the portal. Everyone stepped through except for the Velez's.

"Hey," Mr. Velez said looking at me, I smiled, "I guess you're smiling now kiddo huh." When he said that it took me to the first time I arrived.

I hugged him, "See you all in about four -ish five months." I said.

"See ya." Mrs. Velez said as Jude sadly waved. The portal then closed. I then turned to Winn and he hugged me.

"It's not forever." He said.

"This is our forever," I said looking at him, "this is our home. I know we will take trip to National City from time to time. But, still... I am very sad, and I there will be times where I miss them. But I'll be fine." I said.

"I know and I am sad too but I am happy that we get to do this together." He said.

"Me too." I said as we shared a kiss and then sat on the couch.

"I can't wait to see you two run around here." He said as he kissed my stomach.

****Next Chapter can be found in The Toyman & His Wife (it's there now :) )****


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