Soldier of Steel

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Nala's Perspective...

About 5 months later...

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my family. How I am missing a lot of Ramsey's firsts, Jude's birthday, my engagement anniversary. I did not care about anything else but getting home. I sat in this special multicellular glass cell, in the same navy blue scrubs in this prison full of people that were either injected with mutated cells that would hopefully give them powers or they died. No one was happy, everyone was miserable. But with my arrival, the prison had been much tougher and getting emptier everyday.

"Genesis Two Four Eight Seven or Soldat iz stali ." The Guard said. I stood up and walked over to the door.

"Yes?" I answered.

"It's time for your treatment." He said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and held out my hands and cuffed me. At this point the Kryptonite felt like a stinging sensation rather than a burning sensation. I sat in the usual leather cushioned chair. The other guard in the room wrapped the Kryptonian metal strap across my chest and the other unlocked the cuffs and wrapped my arms in the restraints. I sat there and they turned the red lamp on. I sat there for about two hours. Alan had entered the room and turned that lamp off.

"Well Doctor. How has your vacation been?" He asked. I remained silent. "Ok, sure. We are moving in the next two months, and I need you in a special state." I still remained silent. He pulled out this red glowing syringe. I then tried to get out of the chair, it wasn't working. He then started laughing  at me. "I knew you would react badly to this." I then forced the chair out of the ground, it did take a lot out of me to do that. The guards came in and then tased me, although all my body did was absorb it, it hurt so I groaned and I sat back down an he pierced my skin with the needle and I head butted him. "You really don't want this in your system huh?"

"I will do whatever, I cannot have that in my system." I said as the guards held my head back.

"Well, just consider your dose being doubled." He said as he pierced my skin I screamed. He then injected the other one. The guards let me go. "Just let it mari- actually." He took off the restraints. The guard then pushed me out the chair and I landed on my hands. I began to be disoriented.

"What was in this?" I asked.

"Oh you noticed that it was a little more than just the red Kryptonite. After analyzing your file and blood type and numerous other things about your mundane life... I just went to my other scientist that you did help in the long run with that yellow Kryptonite. It just a little something that will, cause a flip in your brain and everything that you have come to know, will feel more like an illusion, a lucid dream. The only person you will know and serve will be me. Have fun readjusting." He said as I got up and grabbed him I began choking him.

"You will pay, if it is the last... last..l. What was I doing?" I asked.

"Ugh it's perfect." A guy said.

"Where am I?" I asked as I heard a siren ringing as if it was in the room with us. I grabbed my head and used my arm to hold my balance on the steel table and I crushed the side of the table. "MAKE IT STOP!" I yelled at the man dressed in a suit.

"Ok, calm down. Just relax and count to ten." He said.

"What is that?" I asked over the noise.

"Repeat after me." He said and I nodded.

"One." He said.

"One." I said and then we counted out and the sound stopped.

"Are you ok?" He asked me.

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