NO, We Need A Miracle (II)

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"So lab parties?" Winn asked.

"Yeah they happen." I said, Winn drove us home. When we got home I put the cake on the counter too and the KCl-24 on the opposite side. I placed my bag on the hook. I started to burn up so I took my flannel off and took off my shirt.

Winn picked them up, "Not that I don't like to see you getting undressed, but why are you getting undressed?" He asked. I couldn't respond in that moment because I wasn't sure of what he said, I had a ringing in my ears and I needed to stick my head in cool water. I ran some cold water in the bathtub and I smelled fresh bread. I closed my eyes and stuck my head in the water and I seen a bright white flash, I caught a glimpse of the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters, I saw bread coming out of the oven. Then it all stopped, I then took my head out of the water and gasped for air, I took in some deep shaky breaths and then sat down. I thought to myself, What the hell was that?

"What happened?" He asked me.

"I couldn't even tell you. It wasn't clear enough." I said as he got me a towel and I sort of dried my hair. We sat at by the tub for about thirty minutes, trying to grasp what just happened.

Winn looked at his watch, "It's five o'clock. I'll run you a bath and then I'm going to get my suit. I'll be right back, I promise I won't take long."

"Ok." I said as I went in our room and took out my dress. Winn came in the room and kissed me on my forehead. He left and I got in the bath, I sat there and I tried to let all those images come back in my mind, but instead my legs and arms started burning, I looked at my hands, they were frosted over as soon as they came up for air. I then washed up and got out. I threw on a t-shirt, leggings and a pair of sneakers and I took the KCL-24 and I ran down to the lab, my left hand once again frosted over. I took a pair of tweezers and chipped off the frost, I put it under the microscope and it looked, kind of similar to the cell I looked at earlier but instead of being active it just freezes. I applied heat to it and it just looked like a normal Kryptonian cell. I removed the heat and it looked like a frozen parasite. I took a drop of KCl-24 and the frozen parasitic cell went back to normal. I looked at my left arm and it was frozen. It looked a lot like the guy that Kara had fought earlier. I took a non needle syringe and I put some in it and I squirted some on the frost. My arm and hands went back to normal. None of my limbs were burning any more. I seen the white droplet fall off my wrist. I sampled lit with a swab. I tried to neutralize it with KCl-24 but it only worked for but so long. I then wasn't supposed to hack into the DEO's alien identification system, but I had to. I placed the slide of the sample from the white droplet and it traced back to Elliot. Then it hit me, Elliot must have been the one turning people into those things but why. I got out of the DEO's system and went back upstairs. Kara, Alex, William and Kelly were at the door. I opened it, "Hey guys, don't you all look great. Come in, come in."

"Thank you." They said.

"Make yourselves at home and I will get you all snacks. Kara, Alex can you guys help me out. Winn went to get his suit, he should be back soon." I said. They got up and came into the kitchen and William and Kelly stayed in the living room watching the news.

"What's up?" Alex asked.

"I know whose been turning people into popsicles with attitudes." I said.

"Who is it?" Kara asked.

"His name is Elliot Garber. He started at L-Corp, the moment I left. He's a grad student, but I don't think he's doing it on purpose." I said.

"What makes you so sure?" Alex asked me.

"Well because.." I said but I got cut off by the door bell. It was Nia and Brainy. "Hello welcome, you guys look so nice. Please make yourself at home." I almost closed the door and Winn came in.

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