Chapter 21

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The Uchiha’s Sharingan eye is supposed to be able to see through anything. Yet, my eyes have known nothing but pitch-black darkness since arriving at the Konoha Prison. I commend Konoha for not taking any chances, but quite honestly a straitjacket and blindfold are a bit too much.  The second they brought me in from the hospital where they healed all of my wounds, I was completely wrapped. The guards sat me down and I’ve been in the same position since, I can barely make any adjustments to my position. The most I can do is turn my head from side to side. I don’t have any energy to try and escape; I have already decided that I would accept any punishment they choose to give me. I have lost sense of time since I was imprisoned, but I might start feeling some hope if they make me wait any longer. I let out a small chuckle at the thought. As if I deserve anything other than death right now.

“Sasuke Uchiha! You have visitors”. My head turned to where the voice was, I recognized the voice of the guard that has been keeping watch over my cell.

“You’re quite a sight little brother”.

Itachi? Why is he here?

“It seems the council is making you wait”. My ears perked up at the new voice that spoke up.

“I wasn’t expecting you to come, father. I wasn’t expecting either of you”. I say slowly.

“You are my son. It’s only natural”. Father spoke, he almost sounded offended.

“What business do you have with me?” I demanded.

There was a long pause of silence before my father spoke up again. “We were summoned to give our opinions on your punishment”.

“And?” I did my best to turn my head toward the general direction of the bars.
“I told them to give you the punishment they deem fit”.

Of course, he did. I wouldn’t expect him to speak in my favor, not that I blame him. I have done something unforgivable and it’s only now that I have realized what I was doing. “Is that why you came?”

“No, that was not the only reason. You protected the village from an enemy. You saved countless lives, protected those you love and for that I am proud”, he said.

Did I hear that right? It’s my eyes that are covered, not my ears. Curse this blindfold, I want to see my father’s face. I need to make sure he’s not lying. “I became a rogue and trained under Orochimaru. I tried to destroy the clan; I came with Pain to attack the village. How can you be proud of a son like this?”

“I feel I should also apologize, Sasuke. If we, as a clan, weren’t so obsessed with power and full of pride, perhaps you wouldn’t have felt the need to leave the village and search for more power. The Uchiha is a clan to protect, to use our eyes for the protection of those we love, not to turn on our home. If it weren’t for Itachi and the Third Hokage, the clan may have continued their ‘tantrum’”. Father explained.

Tantrum? He’s chalking up the coup d’état to a tantrum? I suppose that’s one way to call it when other ears are around.

“I didn’t realize that you were still suffering from our actions. I should have been a better father”. I could hear the heaviness in his voice, he means it.

“Besides, you found someone who opened your eyes, isn’t that right? In the end, you decided to protect her and gave up your goal in order to be with her”. This time it was Itachi who spoke up. I couldn’t see it, but I could almost imagine the smirk on my big brother’s face.


I haven’t seen Hina since Pain’s attack. Tsunade told me that she was alive, but she needed days to recover. That’s all she would say. Hina hasn’t come to see me at all either. Then again, I only know that she is alive, nothing else.

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