Chapter 18

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We made our way to our positions where we would take care of the Uchiha. The place where all the strongest and most troublesome ones will be; The Uchiha Police Force Headquarters.

Karin and Juugo met us in front of a small stand that was now nothing more than destroyed pieces of wood. The two of them nodded and followed us toward the building. The entire village was already in chaos with people scrambling to get to safety and avoid getting by debris flying through the air.

The area we were heading to has still yet to be damaged in any way, so many civilians are also making their way towards the same direction as us. It’s easy for us to blend in with the others while we get there. The building was now in our sights and the first set of the Uchiha Police Force was exiting the building.

Just as we were about to reach the building, there was another explosion. This time right next to us, sending us flying through the air. I regained my balance quickly and landed a short distance away from where I once was. The area around us was now a mess, no longer looking like the village full of food stands and shops. There were only chunks of rocks and wood strewn throughout the ground with people littered in between. I stood up trying to find Karin, Juugo and Suigetsu but with no such luck. The blast couldn’t have thrown them that far away from me.

It had only been minutes since the first blast when another shook the ground. More boulders and shards of wood and glass traveled through the air, this blast was farther away but it was much larger than the one before. Dust traveled up my nose, burning my throat as I felt it scratching at the inside and filling my lungs with grainy filth. I coughed hysterically trying to clear the dust from lungs, the ground darkened around me and I felt something looming over me. My eyes widened as I saw another huge piece of a building falling in my direction.

Without hesitation, I pulled out my sword, sending lightning style chakra through it and jumping to cut it down. Just as I sliced it in half, a pulse of wind was sent my way and destroyed the halves of boulders. Someone else got to it the same time I did, I couldn’t see them though they were on the other side. I landed on the ground and just as I was putting away my sword, the destroyed pieces fell on the ground, letting me see who the other person was.

My eyes widened as I first saw familiar silver-streaked hair, next to the familiar silver eyes that always shined with kindness. The familiar soft porcelain skin I admired her small yet powerful hands.

No, it couldn’t be.

How was that possible.

She gasped as she saw me, the same shock was reflected in her face. She was obviously not expecting me to be here, here at this exact spot at this moment. My knees collapsed from under me, barely feeling the pain that shot all through my body.


My Hina is alive. All this time I thought I killed her.

“H-Hina” I breathed out, barely audible. It sounded foreign in my mouth like I wasn’t allowed to utter such a name.
Just like that everything was forgotten, my whole reason for being here was no longer important. Just seeing Hina has brought so much relief and dare I say it, joy.  My hand stopped short of reaching out to her. Why is she here? If she was alive, why didn’t she come back to me? A chill of guilt ran through my veins. No, why would she come back to me? I hurt her, I lied to her. Of course, she wouldn’t go back to the person who nearly killed her. But, even though I’m aware of this, I still want her to come to me just like she did before all this mess.


Both she and I turned to where we heard her name. It was Suigetsu, Karin and Juugo. They seemed glad and surprised to see her, even Karin had a small smile on her face. I turned back to look at her, feeling my lips pulling up at the edges. The team is here, now we can leave. A thought clicked in my head,  If we use the chaos that the Akatsuki are ensuing, we can take Hina with us and get away undetected. We can disappear without anyone finding us anymore. I can make up for all the damage I’ve done to her. The thought of it pleased me.

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