"Do you like coffee? Can I order two? The cookies here are awesome."

"Yes, please," Philip said, unaware of what she was talking about. "I'm hungry... That thing that they served in prison was disgusting!" He spoke.

They laughed.

Philip decided to have a taste of that drink. He had heard of it before. He knew that coffee usually energized people.

"Now you can explain to me the origin of the clothes you were wearing earlier. Also, the gold coins. They all seemed to belong to the middle age. My grandpa's clothes fitted you well and they are definitely more appropriate to this era."

"Back in my time, the coins used to be called 'florin', and they were the currency used to pay for things. As to the clothes, that was the fashion back then. But I must confess that I felt a bit awkward when I noticed the way people dress now."

"Take a look around..."

"I already feel much better. I'd rather go unnoticed."

"You can buy your own clothes later. There are many shops on the streets."

"Wait a minute," Philip decided to solve the clothing problem at once.

The young lady looked at him with curiosity as he stood up. He had spotted the toilet and was walking toward there.

As soon as he was inside the toilet, he positioned himself in front of a mirror. Then, he concentrated on the clothes he saw people wearing on the streets, and then pronounced some words in German, his native tongue, to produce a spell that gave him new clothes.

"Ich brauche neue Kleider!"

Suddenly, right before the mirror he saw himself wearing simple but elegant clothes: jeans, a shirt, and a leather jacket. The shoes matched the belt.

While Philip was in the toilet, a young man on the street passed by a window shop and stopped to see a mannequin wearing the same set of clothes. He entered the shop and asked the salesman to try them on. Since those were the last pieces, the salesman went to the window to get the clothes from the mannequin. However, he returned with empty hands.

"I guess those clothes have just been sold... The mannequin has nothing on. Let me see if there's something similar to the ones you saw," said the salesman.

"How could it be possible? I've just seen them on the window!"

"I'm afraid I don't have an answer, sir. Would you like to try on something similar?"

"Well, if there's no other way..." The young man said, puzzled.

Back in the cafe, the young wizard returned to the table where Alexia was waiting for him. He blushed when she said, "Phil, you look much better now!" She was amazed.

"From now on I shall dress like this. Here's you grandpa's clothes. Thank you."

"You're welcome! How did you get new clothes so quickly? You didn't leave the cafe at all! Did you get them from a clothesline or something?"

"What do you mean by 'clothesline'? I won't lie to you. I am a wizard. Which means that I'm able to produce magic," he answered at once.

"Oh. So besides coming from the Middle Ages, you are also a wizard. I see... So, is there a dragon flying in the sky, just like in Game of Thrones, that I'm not aware of? Are you going to ride on it?" She joked, not believing a word he said.

Or maybe someone had forgotten those clothes in the toilet... Anyway, in her opinion Philip was a real liar.

"I have so much more to say, but I'm afraid you wouldn't believe me."

The Phantom Man 2 - The Book of the DeadWhere stories live. Discover now