Just A Kiss

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Draco groaned, arm stretching up to wipe over his forehead. It had been a month, a fucking month of travelling around and searching; but nothing. He hadn't been assuming charm, but the past month had been one of the messiest, and toughest of his life. He looked around at the people around him, he could say it was getting to them too.

Hermione, although trying to stay tough, had started to break. She was still as intelligent as ever, but her composure had slipped to non-existent. She had ceased doing her hair in the morning, instead choosing to keep it in a knotty bun on top of her noggin. Although her outfits were not messy, she had taken to just wearing whatever she found comfiest; even if they did stand out a bit too much for Draco's liking.

Ron, well he had let himself go entirely, the radio always fastened to his side now. His hair lay tangled on top of his head, weeks of sweating making it resemble that of Draco's Godfather. Every day his demeanour seemed to get wickeder, dragging his feet more every hour. His clothes, blue jeans, and a loose t-shirt were getting unclean; but he didn't care.

Harry, if Draco were honest, seemed the worst. The brunette, although his attitude just as jaunty as it always had been, had let his hair flow to lengths that even Hermione had deemed offensive. He had taken to wearing the same garments every day, not that Draco could condemn him. A change of clothes only felt like you were dirting the material, rather than getting clean.

Draco himself could admit that he reeked. Washes in streams just weren't doing the job, you couldn't get naked in a river and wash all your bits. That being said, shaving was also out of the question. Draco hadn't shaved his face or...nether regions in ages; he was starting to feel scruffy.

"I stink," Draco muttered out of nowhere, making the other three look at him with raised eyebrows. Harry half smirked, raising his own arm and taking a whiff; he too seemed less than satisfied with his own hygiene.

"I just want to wash my hair." Hermione gasped, touching the bun upon her head, Draco could imagine how frizzly it must be. Ron looked towards her, a small smile. He himself reached his hand up to stroke his own hair.

"Me too," Ron muttered, he also looked down at his attire and body. "I never knew how much I welcomed soap until now. Can you imagine that body wash? What scent was it, peach?"

Hermione let out a distinct moan, making Draco chuckle. Ron had the opposing response, he looked partly traumatized. Harry made a gesture toward the witch and wizard, before miming a heart sign Draco's way. The blonde nodded, he had kind of clicked on to the sweetheart tension.

"I just need to wash...universally," Harry grunted, being the first one to say it out loud. "Every time I change my underwear, I still feel icky."

Draco nodded in agreement, though a slight blush came over his cheeks as he imagined Harry washing exposed in a lake. He could picture the boy soaping up his body, hands reaching all areas for the first time in ages. He could imagine the satisfied moans from the boy, finally feeling clean. Feeling hotter than he was before, Draco pulled his shirt over his head; letting the wind blow over his warm body. It was Harry's turn to crimson.

"That is so unfair," Hermione said, looking towards Draco. The temperature had really started to get to her, the single relief being the fact her neck could feel the breeze. "If I did that I would be arrested, or at least we would be noticed."

"Nah," Harry said looking around, they were currently climbing a mountain. It wasn't one of those national parks, where people would climb for fun. It was actually quite alarming, he would doubt they would run into anyone else. "I think you could whip it off if you desired to, we are alone. We'll see anyone long before they see us, and even if we do see a muggle; fuck em. What they gonna do? Call the police?"

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