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Draco buried his face into his hands as he sat on the bottom step just outside The Great Hall. The Death Eaters had disappeared, per Voldemort's request as he had summoned Harry to meet him in the Forbidden Forest alone.

When he looked to the right he could see the carnage that they had left behind. Dead bodies, the count probably over thirty, lay in the hall. One of Ron's brothers had been killed, as well as Harry's favourite professor from the third year.

When he looked to the left, all he saw was Filch trying to sweet up massive pieces of the castle that had been knocked down. Something about that man wasn't right, and Draco couldn't believe he had once been ontop of him in a cupbaord.


Draco glanced up to see Hermione stood in front of him, her eyes travelled off around him. She looked concerned. Ron stood a couple of steps behind her. Wordlessly, they both walked forward and sat on either side of the blonde. Draco pulled them both into a hug, allowing them both to cry over what had just happened. Ron sobbed particularly hard, mourning the death of his brother.

"Shhh," Draco muttered, his cheek falling against Hermione's head. They just sat there, in an embrace, until all the sadness had left their bodies and they had flown empty. Ron was the first to speak as he pushed himself away from Draco and raised a disoriented eyebrow.

"Where's Harry?" He sniffled, glancing around as if the brunette was hiding. Draco shrugged, his own eyes wet.

"I dunno." The blonde muttered, eyes training on the brick floor. He couldn't bring himself to look up at all the dead bodies again; his family had been a big part of that. "We were down at the boathouse. We saw Snape die."

"Snapes dead?" Hermione gasped slightly. "Who..."

"Voldemort," Draco spoke, not letting her finish her question. "He just killed him, no second thought."

"I'm sorry.' Ron said, eyes darting towards the Great Hall. Draco knew he was looking at where his parents mourned. "I know he was your family."

"Yeah..." Draco muttered, hand coming up to rub at his eyes. "Well, anyway I lost vision of Harry. We both ran back up the castle and then Voldemort did that thing."

"The telepathic thing?" Hermione inquired, her whole body trembling as she remembered the feeling of Voldemort in her head. Had that been what Harry had been feeling his entire life?

"Yeah," Draco said, this hadn't been part of Snape's plan; he wasn't expected to die. He was intended to help Harry along, no one was meant to be injured. "Well, it took me a few seconds to get over, when I looked up Harry was gone. Do you think he's gone down to..."

"Surely not," Hermione said, the thought of Harry standing alone in the forest with The Dark Lord frightening her. "Not alone, he would take us...wouldn't he?"

"I would not."

The three sprang to their feet, turning to look towards Harry with wide eyes. The brunette looked sad as if living had hit him in the face. Draco stepped up one step.

"We thought you had gone down to face Voldemort," Hermione spoke from behind Draco, a slight chuckle in her voice as if she had heard the best joke. To do something so grave was self-destructive.

"I'm going there now."

"What?" Ron asked. Harry stepped past them until he was stood at the base of the stairs looking up at them instead. "Are you deranged? Voldemort will kill you on the spot."

"That's the idea."

"No..." Draco responded.

"Yes," Harry muttered, his gaze not able to meet his friends and...who he hoped would have become his boyfriend. He sighed, shrugging carelessly. "There's a reason I can hear the Horcrux's, I think I've known for a while. I think you have too."

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