Bad Ass Bitch

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Spell after spell got thrown his way, Draco expertly blocked them. He fought next to the Weasly family, Molly on one side and Ginny on the other. Although suspicious on first seeing him, Molly was now grinning every time he threw another curse at someone. A curse came flying at Ginny, with his arm he knocked her out of the way and took it. His wand, went flying up in the air. A loud cackle sounded, and his aunt was stood in front of him. He went to lunge for his wand but, as it hit the ground and rolled, her foot came down upon it.

"Well Well Well..." Bellatrix snickered, a tut left her lips. "Who do we have here?"

Molly went to raise her wand, but as she did Bellatrix raised a hand; Molly went still...Imobolised. She was powerful, that Draco could not dismiss.

"Auntie." Draco spat, all the ill-will he could muster.

"Your mommy has been so upset Draco." She said, shaking her head lightly. "Her son, a traitor. Imagine the embarrassment. I would let her kill you, but that would be too hard on her, don't you think?"

"You'll regret it," Ginny screamed through gritted teeth, obviously, in pain, she was about to help the man who had kissed Harry. "Do you know who'll be after you?"

"I hardly imagine anyone would care..." Bellatrix cackled before she stopped mid-laugh. Her eyes dropped to her nephew. She gaped at him, almost in disbelief. "You and the Mudblood?"

"Me and the chosen one," Draco screamed, kicking out. His foot came into contact with his aunties leg, and within her moment of distraction, he grabbed his wand. Bellatrix let out a scream as Ginny hauled Draco to his feet, she lifted her wand. Draco, forgetting his own magic as he always did around his aunt; brought his arms out to cover Ginny and Mrs Weasely. Bellatrix was the most dangerous upset.

"Avarda!" She screamed, only the second word didn't come out. Her lips seemed to move, but no words escape. An explanation was quickly upon them, Narcissa stepping out from the side of the room. She grinned at her sister, wand raised.

"Not my son." She all but growled, Draco had never seen his mother look so dangerous. She glared at her sister, lips snarling in a way that proved the two's relation. "And never his friends. Levicorpous."

Bellatrix those into the air, falling upside down with a scream. The ruffles of her dress fell, covering part of her face. She looked like a child in the midst of a sulk. Her face appeared so shocked, she made no movement. She only stared at her sister, a sneer.

"Put me down." She screamed, raising her wand. "Crucio..."

Narcissa narrowly avoided the curse, her eyes turning into small slits. She raised her wand back up into the air, sending the same curse back toward her sister. Bellatrix contorted in the air. A Death Eater stopped in his own fight, noticing the sisters. Draco glanced his way, he noticed it to be Lysander? He looked so thin. So...scared.

"I'll go to Azkaban for this," Narcissa uttered. Draco went to step forward but a hand on his shoulder told him to stop, he glanced up to see Hermione; who had happened to be running past in search of the snake which presumably stood close to Voldemort. "But if I let you go, you'll kill me and my son. Funny how for all the time you used this curse sister, you never really learned to take it; did you?"

Bellatrix shrieked in response. Narcissa glanced towards Draco almost as if in two minds as to what her next action should be, killer her or restrain her, on her slight waver Bellatrix fell from the air and to the floor. The woman panted, trying to push herself up off the ground. She gave a leap, she was to her feet once more. She lifted her wand high, "Avada Kadarva."

Narcissa did the same; her spell aimed towards her sister.

Almost as if in slow motion, Draco saw a green curse come flying his way. He heard screams all around him, but he couldn't bring himself to move out of it's way. If he moved, it would hit Hermione or Ginny. He closed his eyes, waiting for impact; but it never came.

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