The Death Of Charity

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Draco looked down towards his hand, eyebrow raised at the item that his aunt set into it. What did she want now? Was it some kind of cursed trinket that would send him into anaphylactic shock? She would love it. He looked back up at her, recoiling at the carefree look on her features. Her eyes seemed bored, asking why he hadn't moved yet. A bored Bellatrix was roughly as threatening as an irritated one, she would be looking for entertainment soon enough.

"Well, aren't you going to ask?" She teased, checking her nails as Draco lifted the item to eye line to find a messily addressed envelope. His brow only raised further as he read his aunties scruffy writing, it was the ministry address that was scrawled messily over the front. What was she writing to them for? Was she on a mission? Had they found Potter? Maybe she was just writing to the Daily Prophet, planning on meeting up with the old hag Rita Skeeta; they would be the best of friends.

"It's a letter." The boy stated, seeming stupid even to himself. His aunt had a way of doing that to him, she truly scared him; not that he liked to acknowledge it. He knew himself to be an exceptional boy, but she always made him question his own intellect. She made him feel the same as he did at four years old, unimportant to the world. "Addressed to the ministry."

"You don't say?" The witch snickered in response, a sneer present as she looked him in the eyes. He gulped, and there was the playfulness. Oh no. "Aren't you going to post it then?"


"I hope you weren't going to refuse." The witch gasped, raising her wand. The tip came into contact with the boy's chin, slowly making its way along his cheekbone. Bellatrix leaned close enough for him to feel her warm breath, the rotten stench that was her personal hygiene rendering him unsteady. "You're such a pretty boy Draco, don't make me do anything I regret now. What would mummy say?"

Draco stood his ground, although his stomach did flips inside. He had no doubt she would hurt him, even if she didn't kill him. But if he backed down opposite his family, what would other Death Eaters think of him? What would they do to him? He wasn't exactly scary to look at, his lean frame unimpressive. He needed to protect himself the only way he could, his intellect and inflexibility.

"Now," Bellatrix snarled, wand digging into his cheek harder now, his pale skin turning whiter somehow. Draco only stared back at her, waiting for the moment she finally lashed out towards him.

"Bella." A loud voice cut off the interaction, arousing an annoyed sigh from the witch in question. They both looked up to see Narcissa strolling towards them, a grimace on her lips. Draco rolled his eyes, his mother saving the day would do him no favours. "I would ask you not to approach my son, he is not your errand boy."

"He is a nobody," Bellatrix disputed, swatting the air indifferently. Draco had the sudden urge to snap his wand hand, and he would have if he was sure he could do so. He didn't want to miss and have her snap his neck, something he had no uncertainty she was trained in. "He's the lowest member of our organisation."

"He is equal," Narcissa said, hand coming to rest on the witch's shoulder with severe pressure. Bella's eyes glimpsed to where her sister's hand made a connection to her, her gaze jumping back just as fast. "Now, find some other footman. Don't make me tell you again Bella."

"Are you threatening me Narcissa?" Bellatrix said, eyes becoming merry once more as she looked up at her sister. No fear, no guilt...just fun. That frightened Draco, at least Lord Voldemort had a grand plan; his aunt was evil for the fun of it. He sometimes queried if the Dark Lord feared her, even if only a little. He wouldn't blame him.

"Never." The older witch reassured, her eyes more comfortable now that she had diverted the situation. "Think it a friendly suggestion."

"Hostility suits you sister." Bellatrix snickered, placing her wand back into her boot before turning and placing two light pats against Draco's cheek. Glancing earthward, she took her letter back with a smirk. "Until next time nephew of mine."

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