I Lied

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"It's been two months since we destroyed an actual Horcrux," Hermione muttered, leisurely tapping her fingers against the table of their tent. They had taken many camping spots over the last month, but despite the new locations, no new knowledge offered itself. Hermione's eyes ran across books, though she didn't know what good it would do her. Books seemed the last place to look for hints of where the next Horcrux would be, it wasn't like Voldemort would have written an autobiography listing positions.

"Don't remind me." Ron sighed, drawing a chuckle from Draco who sat back in his chair with his feet up on the table; he was reading a book, fictional. Harry sat next to him, eyes running over an old piece of parchment; Draco didn't bother requiring what it was.

"At least we are comfortable." Draco shrugged, it had been weeks since they had left the tent at all. All of them had let themselves go a bit, haircuts, moisturizers, and hair gel seemed unnecessary now. Although, they had all found ways to have a wash; often finding lakes and washing in groups of two; not wanting to get into the habit of having water fights. "I'm sure we will discover away soon."

They had finally come to rest in the forest of Dean, Hermione having visited there a lot as a child. Draco thought it was a great idea, being muggle-born nobody would know about places she had visited in the past; they wouldn't care.

"It just doesn't make sense," Harry muttered, they all turned to him with raised eyebrows. He glanced up to make sure they were looking his way before he resolved to speak. "First Dumbledore omits to tell me anything that could really help, then he neglects to tell Draco anything either."

Draco's eyes fell closed, guilt building in the pit of his abdomen at the man's words. He was trusting no-one would bring it back up at all, but it seemed that Harry knew better than to not notice a questionable story. Though, the man looked anything but enraged.

"I was thinking that too," Hermione muttered stiffly, leaning forward to look Draco up and down. She also didn't look mad, more inquisitive than anything. Ron smirked, appearing happy that the blonde was finally getting grilled about his sudden appearance; even if it was two months down the track. "You'd think with Dumbledore hanging around the Manor, he'd have picked something up. A piece of information, anything. Also, why send someone if you are just going to supply them with the same knowledge; no extra."

"Unless it didn't happen," Ron spoke, though it held no aggressiveness. He watched Draco's face curiously, who held his gaze. Their relationship was rather ominous, often jumping between friendly and then rival.

"Of course it happened." The blonde tutted, pushing his legs from the table so he could sit up upright. His arms came up around him, a protective wall. "Why would I lie?"

"I dunno," Harry confessed, eyes lowering to the floor as Draco looked his way. "I will confess that you knew things only Dumbledore knew, but you could have easily got that information from Voldemort. The Dark Lord may know we are hunting for his souls, maybe he allowed you to destroy one to gain our trust. Look, I trust you...I do. I've come to like you, but I can't help but notice some inconstancy."

"Do you know how mental you sound?" Draco asked, pushing himself to his feet. His hand fell to his wand, why did this feel like a trap? Ron stood, his own wand pulled from his pocket. Hermione stood up next, willing her friend to lower the weaponry. Harry stayed in position, just staring up at Draco comfortably. It pissed Draco off that Harry's behaviour stayed friendly when he was certainly not that trusting.

"I don't feel like I'm in peril," Harry admitted, Draco could have sworn a miniature smile came over his lips. "Not in the slightest. It's just, I can't think with my heart. I need to be sensible. You cut out a chunk of your arm for us but I just can't get these thoughts that don't make sense out of my head. Why would Dumbledore be at the manor, and not relaying back to the order?"

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