The Vault

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"How are you doing Draco?" Hermione cackled through the lips of his aunty. They had just succeeded in getting through the Gringotts security and were being accompanied downwards by an imperioused Goblin. Draco winced, witnessing Hermione in his aunt's body was quite strange. He felt she would kill him at any moment.

"I've been better." He acknowledged, climbing into one of the carts that would lead them to the vault in question. "Now can you stop speaking please?"

"Why?' Hermione smirked, climbing in next to him. Harry and Ron followed after him, but neither looked his way. Ron had gone back to being irritated at his presence, and he and Harry hadn't addressed the night before. The kiss, and sexual activity, hung between them like stale fruit ready to fall from a tree. "Is it creeping you out?"

"Very much so." The blonde smiled, hunting for any telltale signs to differentiate her from his actual aunty. There was one, the kindness that lay behind his eyes. No mania, just pure humanity. The cart started moving, Draco's hand shot straight to Hermione's. He could feel Ron's scowl but overlooked it. "Oh God, I hate thhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiis"

The cart plummeted down a steep railway, looping in the centre. Draco clutched Hermione's hand tighter, earning only a cackle from the witch. Harry beside him looked pale, while Ron hardly moved a muscle; even in his face. Draco wasn't quite sure the man was human anymore, could he really be that emotionless at a moment like this? Halfway down the slope, they came across a waterfall, running right through it they became completely soaked. Before their eyes, masks started fading off.

Hermione became herself again, and Ron earned back his freckles. Harry's scar formed once more and Draco's blonde locks were as bright as ever. The cart came to a stop. With a loud alarm, the floor fell through. They were falling. Draco could feel the air run through his hair, the ground getting closer at an alarming rate, but as they reached the ground a pocket of air-cushioned their blow. They all looked to Hermione, who had her wand in hand. She had obviously stopped their fall. Draco sent her a nod in thanks before looking around. They were in a large cave, miles below London. Further down than a bulk of the vaults.

"Imperio." The blonde shouted as the Goblin in front of him started to come round from the spell, once more he became a puppet. "Take us to Bellatrix's vault, okay?"

The goblin walked ahead, they all followed behind him. The goblin swayed cheerfully as he walked, Draco couldn't help but feel sorry for him. His freedom was now non-existent, what if it were Voldemort doing this? The Goblin would presumably die.

"Does anyone want to tell me what that was?" Ron was the first to speak on the topic, looking skyward towards the falling water. "Why are we us again?"

"It's an enchanted waterfall." Hermione smiled, though her judgments kept high. Her eyes darted around, waiting for any form of attack that could spring out. Surely people would come at the sound of the alarm? "Ironically, it washes enchantments away. I should have guessed they would have one in here."

"Well forget about it now," Harry spoke. Draco jumped, he hadn't expected the man to speak. He hadn't heard it since the night before, moaning in his ear. The blonde scolded himself, looking to the floor in confusion. Harry sent him a funny look, half stern but half...loving? "Draco, do you know how long until we get to the vault now?"

"I've only been to Bella's once," Draco said, looking toward the goblin that guided them. They had started down a tunnel of the cavern, it was hidden from the main vaults. They were obviously very much for the rich. "But I'm sure it's two down from my mothers, and that is....this one."

Draco stopped outside a volt, looking up at the high doors. The Goblin also stopped, placing his hand on the metal. Suddenly, much to everyone's surprise, the door started to sink away. The vault was ahead full of wealth. Mounds of gold, much more than Draco knew his aunty to own.

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