Sex On The Beach

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"Are you sure?" Ron asked, eyes showing the rest of the group that he didn't accept that the next Horcrux could be where Draco was stating it was. "In Gringotts?"

"It's what I heard," Draco said, peeping at the bank from atop a rooftop they were sat on. He made eye contact with Harry, the brunette nodding lightly to register that he certainly believed the man, why lie now? "Certainly I can't be certain, but it makes sense."

"Do you believe it, Herm?" The ginger man demanded, eyes wide in bewilderment. "Do you truly suppose a Horcrux will be protected within his aunties vault?"

Draco rolled his eyes at the fact Ron still believed he was trying to deceive them but turned to Hermione inquisitive of what her response would be too. It had been just over two months since he had joined them, he would have hoped that at least one of them would trust him properly; like he knew Harry did.

"It's believable." The witch groaned, eyes falling to the roofing she sat on. It was clear she didn't like opposing one of her oldest friends. Draco understood that, sending her a gratified smile. "Even unknowing of the potential of the object, a supporter of Voldemort would be honoured to hold an artefact that their master holds sincerely. If any of his supporters have it, it's her."

"I agree." Harry nodded, looking back to the Gringotts doors to see two guards stood on the boundary. His hand came up to rest on the base of Draco's back to show that he had full confidence in the man. Draco beamed at him.

"Of course you do." Ron rolled his eyes, following his gaze. "Okay, even if I was to contemplate the idea, how are we going to get in?"

"Not looking like this, that's for sure," Draco whispered. "Got any bright ideas, Hermione?"

"I have one." She agreed, though her eyes looked afraid. What plan did she have? "It's astonishingly ignorant though. Thoughtless."

"Haven't all the plans been?" Ron asked an eyebrow raised high. Hermione disregarded his cynicism, hand falling to her bag, pulling the strap tighter on her collar.

"Not to mention the set up would be nearly insurmountable?" She continued, chewing at her lip. "We could die."

"Then you can't do it." Draco requested though he didn't know her methods. He shook his head. He required them to carry on, for his mother's protection. For their security. For the safety of the whole wizarding world.

" can't," Hermione muttered, removing her bag from around her shoulder. She handed it to Draco, not fancying any of the Malfoys to find any of the belongings in the bag. "But Harry, Ron, and I need to hand ourselves in at Malfoy manor. I kind of wish we had gotten caught now..."

"Are you crazy!" Harry whispered a scream. Draco had to nod in confirmation, that was certainly the most dangerous of ideas. Bellatrix would kill them, literally on the point. Their only hope would be his mother, and even she wouldn't be able to do much.

"Yes," Hermione muttered apprehensively, her mind already running 100 miles per hour. "But just do as I say, I'll be alright."

"And what will I do?" Draco asked.

"Prove to Ron we can trust you!" The girl beamed with a wink.

"What?" The blonde asked, eyes flicking from each person.

"This plan, the very possibility of us escaping is based on you," Hermione muttered, not venturing to look up at the boys. She could feel Ron's scowl on her. She rose to her kneecaps, whispering as strictly as she could. "And let me tell you Malfoy. If you double-cross us, I'll find another way to escape. And when I do, you better keep running because Voldemort will look like a puppy in relation to my fury. You get me?"

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