Hazel: Not on my own free will. Kalim gave me this outfit when my other one got damaged in spar practice.

Jade: Kalim? Scarabia's Prefect?

Floyd: Never thought he was the type~~
GRIM: Just when we finally escaped that little dispute back in Scarabia...
This school's really full of no-good students, yanno...
AZUL: What did you say...? What did you mean? Is there trouble at Scarabia?

Hazel told Azul and the twins what was happening in Scarabia and she had a feeling that something may go bad if nothing's done.

AZUL: Scarabia's Prefect acting like a despot...?
GRIM: Yeah! Kalim makes all the students go through tough training, yanno!
AZUL: I can't imagine Kalim-san doing such a thing...
FLOYD: Eh? The Rakko-chan's got that kind of personality, too? (1)
JADE: He does not seem like the type at all, however.

"Well he could have a dual personality disorder that's going out of control now for some reason. I met some people like that. One guy back home had a disorder like that, only they didn't get along. If fact, one personality put out a contact on the other, and even had a shootout with himself. Though he was able to beat himself senseless before anyone else could get hurt." Hazel said surprising the group.

Jade: One day, we got to visit your homeland.

Floyd: With proper protective gear.
GRIM: That Vice-Prefect, uh... Jamil's been so troubled about it. I completely feel sorry for him 'cause he's a rare breed of nice guy, yanno? And on top of that, we can't contact the Headmaster about it at all! He's really irresponsible, yanno!

AZUL: ............
JADE: You are in the same class as Jamil-san, are you not, Azul?
AZUL: Yes, we take a lot of the same classes together, so we see each other a lot.

"Well, what was he like?" Hazel asked.
AZUL: He is indeed a rare kind of student just like Grim-san says. He does not make many demands... Or rather, I would say he's rather plain.
FLOYD: Ah~ I'm in the basketball club with the Umihebi-kun, but he gives off the impression that he plays nice.  I'm not interested in guys from other dorms, so I didn't notice, but he's Scarabia's Vice-Prefect~

"Finally, he seems to only go off easy on me, and not the other students now." Hazel stated.
AZUL: The Vice-Prefect is troubled because of the Prefect's behavior... Hm... Then... We have no choice but to lend you a hand.
GRIM: Huh? What'd you eat that made you wanna say something like that?

AZUL: How rude. I have simply changed my mind after experiencing something so troubling not so long ago. I have decided to be of help to the school the same way the Sea Witch has decided to be benevolent, you see. Right now, Scarabia is in a very dangerous situation and my classmate desires help. There is no way I can leave such a big emergency alone.
JADE: Oh-ho?
AZUL: It is a bit tiring to be surrounded by the same faces every year, after all. Starting tomorrow, we too shall be intruding in Scarabia's dorm.
GRIM: Eh?! We just escaped, and you're telling me to go back to that prison!? I don't wanna!
FLOYD: There, there, Azarashi-chan~ Don't be like that~
JADE: I am sure that we will have a very fun holiday if we let Azul handle it.

AZUL: Visiting empty-handed is simply very rude. Jade, Floyd, please prepare some house-warming gifts.
JADE & FLOYD: Yes. | Ye~s.

AZUL: Spending a holiday in a very hot desert does not sound bad at all. Oh, how exciting. Fufufu... 

"Well, we'd better check on the fire spirits in the meantime, Grim."

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