Shocking Turnaround

Start from the beginning

GRIM: Hm... Vice Prefects like you and Trey sure have it tough, huh...
 I see... Hazel's a "diamond in the rough"!
GRIM: Hah? What's that?
JAMIL: Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw...Octavinelle, too. I've heard that she's an exceptional student who managed to help solve their problems for them.
GRIM: Hehe~! That's right! Those guys are all grateful for what we did for them, yanno~?
JAMIL: That's why, I'm begging you! Can you please lend a hand here in Scarabia, too?
JAMIL: Meeting you by coincidence at the cafeteria is a sign, too!
JAMIL: I'm sure that you'll make a conclusion more brilliant than diamonds!
GRIM: E-even if you ask us that, it's a bit, um...

SCARABAIA STUDENT A: Did you call for us, Vice Prefect?
JAMIL: Please take our guest to his room.

[LOCATION: Scarabia Dorm – Empty Private Room]

SCARABIA STUDENT B: Please have a good night's rest.

(door closes)

Although Grim tried to get away, he was caught and thrown back into the room, this time locked up.

GRIM: Hey~~! Let me out~~~!Paradise has turned into prison...


Kalim headed off to his room, half-expecting for Hazel to still be in the room. He had a confused look when she wasn't in the room, but then he heard some splashing from his bathroom. He headed over to the bathroom, and turned bright red from the sight before him. Although it was steamy enough for him not to see anything, he could tell Hazel wasn't decent. 

Thankfully, he scrambled out before she could spot him. 

He made sure to provide him with a nice nightgown and to have her clothes washed as well.

"Kalim, are you feeling alright? why the change of mind?" Hazel asked in her nightgown, which Kalim realized was tight on certain parts of her figure. 

"Well, I thought that maybe we weren't trying hard enough after failing the Magift and the finals. So I decided we should do some extra training. Hazel, could you also help us during training. I feel we could use it." Kalim had taken off his shirt and jewels, leaving his pants on.

Before Hazel knew it, she fell asleep in Kalim's grasp, when she wondered what was going on.


The next early morning, she found herself in Kalim's grasp in his bed. But thankfully, she still had her nightgown on. She tried getting out of his grasp, but he hung on tight like a koala, nuzzling into her body. It took Jamil opening the door to wake him up. 

"Hazel, you should get dressed. We're gonna start of training by heading for the East Oasis." Kalim said as Jamil handed out a new set of clothing for her. Hazel headed for the other room and inspected the outfit. And she couldn't blush any redder. Because this one revealed her curves more than she would've wanted.

"Wow Hazel! You defintely suit that dress nicely!" Kalim said as he took her hand

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"Wow Hazel! You defintely suit that dress nicely!" Kalim said as he took her hand. "Come, let's get to our ride to the Oasis."

rattle, rattle)

SCARABIA STUDENT A: How long are you going to keep sleeping?! Wake up!
GRIM: Wha–!? What's going on? ... It's only 6, yanno...
SCARABIA STUDENT A: We will be marching 10 kilometers to the East Oasis!
GRIM: Ten kilometers of walking on a harsh desert? Why'd we have to do something like that?
SCARABIA STUDENT A: Stop complaining! The Prefect ordered for you to join! Hurry!
GRIM: GYAAAH~~!! DON'T WANNA~~!! Let me go!

Then Grim saw Hazel in her outfit. "Wha?! What are you wearing Hazel?" 

"Oh, Kalim provided this for me cause he said my other uniform was dirty or something."


KALIM: All of you, stop!
GRIM: A-are we finally at the Oasis...?
JAMIL: We will be resting for 15 minutes, and then we'll be marching back towards the dorm.
GRIM: Water, water... Wha—This oasis has no water! Not even a single drop!
KALIM: Wa...ter...? Water... Do you want some water?
GRIM: Of course! My throat's so dry...!
KALIM: I'll let you taste some of my specialty cool water if you want!
"Rest in the hot sands for an endless banquet. Now sing! Dance!"
Oasis Maker!

And as he said the last part, the desert turned into a lush Oasis before everyone's eyes.

GRIM: Whoa~~!! Blessed rains, finally~~!!
SCARABIA STUDENT A: So good~! It's perfect for a weary body...!
SCARABIA STUDENT B: I feel alive again...!
KALIM: Delicious, right! I can make as much rain as you want if you need water!
My unique magic is called "Oasis Maker". I can make a lot of delicious water with just a little bit of magic, you know~?
GRIM: Yanno... "Making lotsa water" sounds pretty ordinary for a unique magic...
There're a lot of water-summoning magic, too, right...
KALIM: Aw, don't be like that.
Making lots with only a little effort and magic is my Oasis Maker's selling point.
Being able to conjure lots of water during an age without proper water supplies and heating has its own merit, you know? Well, it is pretty mediocre in an age where water's readily available, huh. Ahaha...! Still! I'm confident that the water I produce is the best one out there!

GRIM: Now that you mention it... You have a point. It's a gentle coolness and it's not really tepid at all.
GRIM: It's the kinda water that's really fresh and makes me wanna drink it non-stop, yanno.
JAMIL: Can a monster differentiate between types of water though?
GRIM: What?! Yer being rude! My sense of taste is unparalleled, yanno!
KALIM: Yup, yup~ I knew Grim would know the difference!
Alright, I'll give you another cracker as a treat~
GRIM: Ugh... I'm hungry, but I don't wanna eat something that dry...

"He's back to his usual self already...?" Hazel whispered to Grim.

GRIM: (quietly) You're right... He was totally different when we left the dorms.

KALIM: Hm, what's that? Didja say something?
JAMIL: ... Kalim, the break's almost over. Let's gather everyone and head back.
KALIM: Already? We can let them rest for a little bit longer, can't we?
JAMIL: The sun will be at its peak if we wait a little longer. It'll be harsher on everyone if we don't move now.
KALIM: That makes sense. We'll be eating when we get back, so let's do our best!


Here's another and the last update for the day!

Plz comment and stay safe everyone!

I own nothing!

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