Holiday Invatation

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"I'd like to think that the Headmaster has a plan... I hope."

DEUCE: I guess it's best that we consult with the Headmaster directly.
ACE: I heard that he was getting the Mirror ready, so he might still be there? Let's check it out.

"Good idea, he probably lets students stay during break, so must have an idea of what we have to do." Hazel said as they headed to the Mirror Chamber.

[LOCATION: Mirror Chamber]

(students chatting)

'Wow, that's a lot of students. Wait, I don't see any students from Scarabia." Hazel thought with a look on her face.

DEUCE: There are already a lot of students gathered here...
ACE: Haha, everyone looks excited, man~
 Alright, the Headmaster is...

CROWLEY: Everyone, please hold on tightly to your belongings after you've told the Mirror your destination.
If you let them go halfway, your bags might end up going somewhere else, understood?
 Those who are not confident, please feel free to leave them at the school store to be mailed to you.

ACE: A beach shirt in the middle of winter!? He's totally goin' south, dude!
DEUCE: He's definitely not hiding his excitement, huh...
GRIM: Hey, Headmaster! We gotta bone to pick with you!
CROWLEY: Oh, my? What are you all doing gathered here?

"Have you thought about how the cafeteria will be operating during the break?" Hazel said.

CROWLEY: Ah, yes I do. Moreover, I have a very important mission waiting for you.
 It is a very important mission where Night Raven College's life is at stake. But I will guarantee that the cafeteria will be full. Along with a feast and everything.

GRIM: H-hmph...! I don't mind listening to what you want.
ACE: You're really gullible, huh~
CROWLEY: Ahem! Either way, the fire that the school's cafeteria and fireplace uses is being controlled by fairy-like creatures, you see.
They have been living in the school's fireplace for as long as I can remember, however...
 They have a tendency to disappear every day if they are not offered well-dried firewood.
If the fire spirits are gone, the school will suffer from the harsh winter coldness every year.

DEUCE: That would explain why the school was warm even without any heaters.
ACE: So it was magic, after all.
CROWLEY: The kitchen ghost has loyally been doing that task for years. But recently, his daughter had her first baby and he's been excited about meeting his first grandchild, you see. That is why, I would like to entrust you with that duty this year.

YUU: A ghost's first grandchild...? Is that possible?
CROWLEY: Exactly! And if you want to keep warm during this winter, then it is a must!

Just by putting firewood in the fireplace, you will have a feast and warmth.
 Isn't it hitting two birds with one stone, no? Oh, what a promising deal!
GRIM: You have a point. Compared to your other absurd requests, this one seems pretty easy, yanno!
CROWLEY: Indeed it is. I may not look it, but I am very kind, after all~
 Oh, I almost forgot. I will be gone for quite some time, so I shall entrust this to you as well.
ACE: Oh, it's a phone.
CROWLEY: "If there is an emergency, please contact me using that phone.
This is only to be used for emergencies, so be careful not to take a lot of pictures with it, understood?
 Now then, I still have to oversee the students on their way home, so I shall leave the rest to the both of you. That's right, I should check the sightseeing pamphlets before I go visit the islands. Oh, how busy I am~" He said as he vanished into the mirror.

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