Finn frowned, ashing his cigarette.

"What about you? What are your chain of thoughts in the morning?"

"I'm just glad I don't have to share a shower with animals."

"What do you mean - " I realized as soon as I asked that he was referring to his time in kid prison.

I shrugged, not wanting to pry.

"Can you blow smoke rings?" I asked him instead.

Finn nodded. "I can, but it's too windy right now."

"Try it!"

"Too windy, see," he said. I watched as he inhaled, then his mouth formed an 'O', as he moved his jaw in a weird motion to expel smoke. Alas, he was right. It was too windy.

"I'm going to study the physics of it one day."

"Alright, you do that Ava."

"Tell me more about the MDMA comedown." I demanded, partially worried that it might affect my performance on Monday's Calculus test. It wasn't some dumb test it was a test with weightage in the final exam.

Finn had drained his cigarette now, I watched as he threw it on the ground and stomped on it.

"You just get depressed."

Now I was worried. How could I be at the top of my game if I were to be faced with the possibility of depression? This didn't sound good.

"Do you know any way I can prevent this? Any kinds of foods or exercise that might reduce the risk of having such an episode?"

"You think too much, Ava." He said. "You'll probably be fine. Do you wanna go back in?"

Out of nowhere, Levi Henderson appeared.

"What is up my friends? Someone puked upstairs, and I don't fuck with puke."

I turned to Levi, levelling my gaze with him. "Hey, you're smart right?"

Levi put on a stern face and puffed out his chest. "Of course I am. I invented the molotov cocktail before I even knew what it was."

Finn let out something that sounded like a snicker. "No you didn't."

Never mind that.

"Levi, do you know how I can possibly lessen the impact of a bad comedown after taking all that drugs? Like, do you know any sports?"

His face lit up.

"I know a tried and true method. But I can't say it with fish organ around."

Finn scoffed. "If you tell her to take more drugs you're taking care of her. I'm out of here."

I barely had time to register Finn's standoffish reaction, but Levi distracted me.

"Okay, listen up and listen close. I know for a fact that if you take weed while you're coming down then you're not gonna feel any of that shitty stuff."

"Are you serious?" Sober me would not like the sound of it, but I wasn't fully sober yet. So I considered the option.

"I swear on my global top 2500 ranking in CS-GO."

I wasn't sure if that was a good thing but top 2500 didn't sound promising.

"What say you? They've got cool bongs in the backyard."

I thought about his words for a long time. Then I compared my knowledge about weed against the possible adverse outcomes of the situations.

"Okay," I told him, putting on my warrior face.

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