Chapter 7: A Morning Fight

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*-Authors Note-* 
Hey guys! Sorry I promised this update 3 days ago for the holidays, but I just could not find any inspiration or anything so I wrote it over the course of those days. Not the best chapter, but I think it works. This is only a part of Ch. 7/8 as they will be linked within the same times. I just didn't want one chapter to be 10 pages as the rest are only between 3 and 6. It will be put up either later today or tomorrow as it's half done already. Thanks and enjoy!

 "Well, if you insist so much to stay, what you like to do?" I asked the shorter male as he leaned on my counter.

"What can we do?" He questioned me, there was a hint of flirtation deep down that I caught on to.

"Anything you want." I said in a bland tone that also had a flirt hidden deep within. "I have movies, video games, and the internet." I listed the basic things a teenager would do on a boring day.

"What movies do you have?" 

"Over in the bin under the T.V. I mostly have horror but there is a few comedies and like two Christmas movies." I gestured to the cardboard box under our T.V. labeled "Shit for a Boring Day".

        Levi walked over to the box and went through it, muttering about all the dust and such that covered the older DVDs. He picked up 3 different boxes but didn't let me see them. Instead he made me name a number 1 through 3 and so I chose 3. He picked up box number 3 and I saw it was Carrie. Of course it was the one movie I hated because I was a big wimp when it came to horror movies. He smirked as he saw my face had grown a little twisted.

"Aw are you a little scared?" He said to me in a creepy way, like he was planning something.

"No, what makes you think that?" I had collected myself to form a blank face. 

"Tch, whatever brat." He poked my side making me cringe away.

"Do you want to watch the movie or not?" I tried to ask him in a serious tone, but my voice cracked. 

"I don't know, maybe I shouldn't be hanging out with a 12 year old." He laughed at me; I just went red as a tomato as he did so.

"Fine, no movie for you." I grabbed it and held it above my head, knowing he was too short to even try to get it. 

"Hey! No fair." He complained his face going emotionless in a second. 

"Say sorry." I teased him, it was funny watching his face twist. 


"Then no movie." I still held it in the air.

"I'm sorry Jaeger." He mumbled.

"What? I didn't catch that?" I egged him on.

"I said sorry Jaeger." He said as he tackled me.

        We fell onto the floor and stared at each other for a moment and he smirked. He leaned up and kissed me until my phone rang suddenly. I stood to go to the kitchen to answer it as Levi picked up the movie. The person who called was Carla, she had a business trip and wouldn't be home until at least Monday. Basically she told me don't do anything stupid and try to not die; to her it was a joke to me it was realistic. After I hung up I looked over to Levi. He looked like his normal self; short, bored, and collected.

"What was that about?" He asked me.

"Carla just called to say she's out of town for a few days." I didn't say anything more because I didn't want him to think I would be alone.

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