Author Update Please Read

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Okay hey guys so i have 2 things to tell you all.
1) I planned to have chapter 13 up by today but school and life got in the way so I'm sorry about that. I won't be online for almost 2 weeks because I'm going on a trip to Europe and won't have internet which means no updating.  I promise that when I get back I'll post chapter 13 and chances are set weekly updates until the story is over.

Which brings me to number 2.

The story will only be 20-21 chapters long, and there may or may not be a book 2. It depends on how I feel about it in the end because lately I feel like my story isn't very good and I don't really like the plot anymore. So I was wondering if you all could let me know if you actually like it or if you have problems with other or ideas to continue.  It would mean the world to me honestly. And thank you so much for reading my story and commenting nice things. I'd just really appreciate some critique and was hoping you guys could help out.

See you in 2 weeks guys, have fun and be safe. Remember to eat your veggies and slash some titans! 

I will Change (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now