Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Hey everyone! So sorry that it has been almost a month since our last post! You would think that because we are in quarantine, we would write more, but we have no self motivation... However, to make it up to you, here is a very long chapter! I wrote this chapter on my own without my friends, so if there are errors, feel free to tell me.

Akira's POV:

   I wake up to my alarm playing my favorite Shakira song ("Hips Don't Lie"). I then start the lengthy morning ritual that I like to call Picture Perfect Perfection. First, I take a nice, warm shower. I dry off, walk to the sink and slather my face in this pink, sparkly stuff I bought so I would glow brighter than my middle school nemesis, just like the motto said on the package it came in. Then, as I let it sit to dry, I brush my teeth and start to do my hair. First, I brush my hair, then I blow dry it, I then add seven different types of hair products to it (each does its own job to make my hair amazing). After that, I straighten it, and finally, it is ready to be styled. I like to wear it in a new style every day so that I don't seem too boring. Today, I french braid the top part of my hair to make a glamified version of a half ponytail. After my hair is styled to perfection, I start on my makeup. Of course, I know that Shizu has been giving me liquid makeup even though she thinks I don't know, but I find it helpful, so I never say anything. Finally, I put on my uniform and walk downstairs for an extremely healthy breakfast of Pop-Tarts.

   After waiting in the common room and making meaningless conversation, I walk one foot in front of the other in the direction of the prison that society has decided to name school. I walk holding my head high and adding a bit of a sashay to my step. The more confidence I radiate, the more eyes that will be on me, and I absolutely adore attention. Over the years, I have become a master at the art of pretending I don't notice the people staring at me as I walk past.

   I arrive at school right on time to see class 1A walking through the doors and into the buildings. It surprises me that they all walk together because, in my class, we all go to school whenever we want. I guess class 1A must all get along well, I think to myself, though I do recognize Shizu's figure in the back slightly separated from everyone else.

   Ugh, Shizu. It's almost like I can't stop myself from thinking about her, and my feelings toward her are constantly changing. First she was my best friend, and she felt like the yin to my yang. Then she betrayed me by transferring into the hero course so naturally, I hated her. But then she apologized and I thought we could be friends again. Yesterday she ruined all that by sitting with the people I despise most in this world, but I don't know how I currently feel about her. On the one hand, she was my best friend and it is my impulse to want her back. But on the other hand, she was the one who betrayed me, so why should I make the first move to get her back?

   Making up my mind, I decided that I would not make the first move to be friends again since she is clearly in the wrong, but if Shizu approached me with some heartfelt apology I would forgive her almost instantaneously, and we could go back to the way things were. Yes. That was a good plan, a plan that was foolproof. I couldn't get hurt again because I wouldn't be the one approaching her, and it also wouldn't show her that she can't pull a stunt like this, and I would just forgive her and want to be friends again with no effort on her part. The plan would also show her that if she messes up and apologies, I can still forgive her because when all is said and done, we are always going to be best friends. Having a plan made me feel so much better, and with my newfound wisdom, I strutted into the classroom like I owned the place.

   The first class I had was history, in which we learned about the boring nothingness that made up everything before now. Then I had math, where I sat in boredom zoning off because there was really no need for me to pay attention. I aced all of my tests. My dad had taught me tons of things when I was little in an effort to make sure that I would have a better life than him when I grew up. I honestly can't believe he sacrificed all his personal time to teach me things, and I also can't believe I still remember them. Orokana thinks it because I'm "special" and maybe that's how I'm able to notice her presence in my mind. I guess that makes sense. It could maybe explain why I blackout whenever I feel strong emotions, and maybe it even explains whatever it was that I did to Shizu that day.

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