Chapter Four

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A/N: Thanks for reading! Art is Touya Todoroki and Dabi and the artwork was done by *name redacted* (like usual).

Gacho Otoko POV:

They were taking it too far. Akira was plotting something I knew would step over the line. I didn't want to lose another friend. Shizu seemed long gone. Akira didn't hold back her anger that day, there was so much screaming. Her typically flawless facade shattered before our eyes, calling Shizu a traitor, screaming lies about how Shizu was just using us. Akira didn't mean it, we all knew that, but as the conversation escalated I saw Shizu's indifferent mask crumble. She wanted to remain strong, to let Akira finish her rant, to help Akira after, to forgive her childhood best friend. But Akira knew everything about her, things she shouldn't have said, and when the one sided conversation turned to Shizu's parents Akira stepped over the line.

I'll never forget the look of uninterrupted betrayal that flashed across Shizu's face for a split second, before she silently turned around and walked away. She didn't even get to say goodbye. Orokana and I had to hold Akira back as she kept screaming, I covered her mouth and we dragged her to a bench where she proceeded to break down. I hoped to never see my friend in such a low place, and it made me wonder if it was my fault. Did I betray them? Could I have done something more? Shizu didn't want this. Maybe if I had convinced her to reject her dreams I could've spared all of us that moment. I could feel it cementing itself in time, solidifying into an impenetrable barrier between us. I could've stopped this.

Shizu told me first. She knew I would take it the best. I was happy for her, I convinced her that it would be okay to tell the others, I know now I was wrong, and because of my failure, I might never get my friend back.

Shizu's POV:

Even though I didn't get very much sleep at all, I still felt well rested, which is weird. Maybe that means it's true what people say about how your body runs on the sleep you got two days ago... I don't know. I never really paid too much attention in school except for the two weeks before the exam to get into UA. Instead of paying attention, I always just sat in the back of the classroom sleeping, doodling on my arms, moping about how useless life is, scheming about my next big prank on the hero course, whispering to Akira, or scrolling through my phone. I get pretty terrible grades, but I don't care because book smarts really matter all too much if you are a hero or a villain, as long as you know how to plan or scheme.

When my alarm went off in the morning I woke up, put on my uniform paying close attention to make sure it wasn't wrinkled (I want to make at least a semi-decent impression) and went down to the common area to silently eat breakfast. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, and I am basically never in the mood to talk to anyone except Akira and my other friends. Unfortunately my silence was interrupted by one of the heroes. I couldn't tell you her name because I don't like any of my new classmates in the slightest. She had shoulder length brown hair, choppy bangs, big brown eyes and a sickeningly bubbly atmosphere.

"Hi! I'm Ochaco Uraraka, I don't think we've formally met!" She was almost singing the words, she sounded so happy. And I really didn't want to talk to her so I just nodded in greeting. She seemed slightly disappointed that I was so silent, but she forced a smile and continued on talking anyways. "I'm sure it's awfully hard transferring courses mid year and I just wanted to make sure you were okay with everything." God she's annoying. I don't buy her 'little miss nice girl' act at all. Again, I chose not to respond, hoping that I would annoy her so much it would scare her away. It didn't. "Oh, I see you're not the talkative type," she started. "But that's okay! Bakugo, Todoroki, Koda, and Jiro aren't too talkative either! Have you made any friends in the hero course so far?" She really can't seem to leave me alone. I shake my head and stare off into the distance, hoping she'll take the hint and leave. She doesn't. "Are you sad?" she asked cautiously. "Do you miss your old friends or something?" She really wasn't giving up. I don't think she would leave any sooner if or if I don't talk, so I decide that there's really no harm in one tiny sentence even if I hate talking.

"Yes, but they don't think of me as their friend anymore," I utter solemnly. Ochaco looks genuinely surprised that I talked.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?" she asked. I didn't really want to answer but she looked genuinely concerned.

"I didn't confront them about switching courses until I had already accepted." I stared into the distance, the memory of Akira's last words to me replaying on a loop inside my mind.

"Oh," Ochaco responded carefully. "Well, is there anything I can do to help?" She looked so genuine, and it made me wonder why she would even care about someone as stupid as me. 

I don't like talking and I really wish she would leave me alone, so I responded with a simple, "No," and grabbed an empty bowl for cereal. She didn't leave, but she also didn't speak so I considered my attempt a semi-success. I poured some cereal into the bowl and used my quirk to transfer milk from an open bottle across the room so I didn't have to walk. I swirled the milk into little flowers before I emptied it into my cereal one petal at a time. Ochaco still hadn't left.  She watched as I ate my cereal and spun my leftover milk in the air absentmindedly. Normally, I would do this with my own blood, but people were watching and they would look at me like I was psychotic, so I settled for just playing with my leftover milk.

Ochaco watched in awe. "Your quirk is amazing, Shizu!" she gushed. I really didn't know what to say to that so I just nodded. Growing up my quirk had always been described as a dissapointment, my parents were a quirk marriage. They only had time for one kid with all the work they did, and I had failed them. I knew I was supposed to say thanks and complement her for her kindness, but I'm not trying to be nice. Eventually after sitting in silence for a while, Iida called to the class that it was time to go. I waited until everyone had left, and then started after them. I didn't want to talk to anyone for at least 48 hours because I had done more than my fair share of taking today and frankly, I was sick of it. As we approached the school, I followed the rest of my new classmates because I had absolutely no idea where the 1A classroom was. After walking for a little while through unfamiliar hallways I came upon the daunting looking classroom that must have been class 1A's.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy!

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