Chapter Seven

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A/N: Sorry that this chapter is kinda late, I totally forgot to post! But I mean, it's only like ten minutes late, so that's not that bad! Thanks for reading!
Akira's POV:

After motivating myself to get out of bed, eat breakfast, and put my uniform on, I made my way to school. I sat in my usual seat, staring at Shizu's empty desk next to me. I was still staring at it when Gacho tapped me on the shoulder.

"Oh cheer up, Akira!" Gacho said, placing a small dove on my shoulder, one she used her quirk to summon, "You can't be sad your whole life just because you lost one friend, you've got me and Orokana! Plus you've got this little dove here, I know that doves are your favorite."

She's right, they are. I don't know why I like doves, but I just do. They are so beautiful. I try and fail to force a smile and turn to look at Gacho and Orokana, "You guys are right, but I still think I need a little bit more time to get over her. She was my best friend, and she betrayed me." I turn back and continue staring longingly at Shizu's old desk.

Soon enough, the teacher came in so I started to pay attention because I needed to get good grades. Our home room teacher was Ms. Midnight, and she was pretty nice. She let us pick our seats everyday, which was good, but most kids sat in the same spots every day. My group had claimed a section in the back row, Shizu in the back left corner, me on her right, Gacho on my right, and Orokana on Gacho's right in the back right corner. "Class, I have an announcement to make!" Ms. Midnight started. "Because Shizu was transferred out of our class, one of the class 1A students had to be transferred to our class."

Really? I am shocked. Whoever gets transferred will have to hate the heroes, so maybe they could give me information! This had the potential to make scheming ever so much easier, and I looked over at Orokana and Gacho, smiling wickedly. Ms. Midnight started talking again, "So class, please welcome our new student, Mineta!"

A short boy with an oddly colored spherical mohawk walked in. "Ms. Midnight," he looks at her with a creepy expression on his face that might have been some form of admiration, if it weren't for the tear stains that streaked across it, "Where do I sit?" Mineta said with a lisp, looking at her expectantly, making me realize that class 1A must have assigned seats.

"We don't have assigned seats in class 1C, Mineta," Midnight explains. "You can sit in the empty seat beside Akira for now, since it's the only one open, but tomorrow you can sit somewhere else." Mineta's eyes grow wide with excitement, and he looks over at the empty seat then at me. He sits down and stares at me.

"Hi! I'm Mineta," he says staring about ten inches below my face making me very uncomfortable.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Akira." I say pleasantly before turning away from him as fast as I can. I can't believe I lost Shizu and she was replaced by a pervert. The truth sinks in, and suddenly I realize that Shizu is actually gone. I let go of the false hope I didn't know I was desperately clinging to. I guess that the fact that her desk was still empty allowed me to trick some part of my brain to not fully believe she was gone. Shizu is gone. She's never going to come back. After four days, I finally realized the full truth. And after four days of trying to hide my tears I could feel my eyes fill with them. I don't even care that there are buckets of tears raining from my eyes for the entire class to see.

Shizu is my best friend and she's really gone. She was my best friend, I corrected myself. My eyes water and I can feel my face redden throughout the course of the class, until I finally allow the tears to silently spill over.

"Akira," Ms. Midnight starts sympathetically. "I know losing your best friend is hard, I'm sorry sweetie. Why don't you take the rest of the day off, I'll have your makeup work sent to your dorm. I know you are a good student, and you get good grades so I'll let you have this one day, but this is a one time thing. Okay, Akira?" I nod, sobs raking through my body, and walk out the door. I make my way outside and start the long walk to the dorms. The hero course is lucky. They're the 'star students', the main attraction, so their dorms are closer to the school building. The general course studies kids, like myself, usually take our bikes to school, but I forgot mine today, so I started the long walk, thinking about nothing but my lost best friend. Eventually, my sobs stop and there are only tears tracing paths across my face.

I get back to the dorms, eat a quick lunch, then go up to my room hoping to take a nap, and that when I wake up, all of this would have been a bad dream, just like one of the bad dreams Shizu used to get that prompted her to sleep in my dorm. I slept for about an hour and a half, and when I woke up my eyes were still puffy from crying and this whole Shizu thing was, unfortunately, very much real. I grab my phone, hoping for something to take my mind off of all of this. Bad decision. I haven't used my phone in a while, and I forgot my lock screen was a beautiful picture of me and Shizu that she had drawn as a Christmas present this year. Seeing It reminds me of so many fond memories, and before I even realize it, my crying returns heavier than ever.

All of the sudden, I realize what is about to happen. I am feeling an extreme emotion and I know I'm about to black out. Try to calm myself down, but it doesn't work. I hadn't fully let myself grieve Shizu's loss, and it was like my body needed to let the tears flow, and my heart needed to be sad. I tried taking deep breaths, but my sobs interrupted my attempts. Blackness started shrouding my vision, and I fought against it, trying to force a calm state of being. I know that if I can't calm myself down, I will fully black out, and then I won't be able to control myself and what happened four days ago with Shizu could happen all over again. I feel my control slowly diminishing, and I try one last time to regain calmness. It doesn't work, and my vision becomes completely enveloped in darkness.

After who knows how long, I was able to see again. Slowly, the rest of my senses return to me, and I realize that I'm still sobbing. How long has it been? The sun is pretty low, so school must be getting out about now. I am sitting down, but I don't know where. As my brain starts to become fully functional, I realize my location. Class 1A's dorms. What am I doing here? What was I thinking? But that's just it- I wasn't thinking. I know this is a bad decision, yet my feet stay planted and my sobs keep coming. I have no idea how long I've been here, or what else I could have done beforehand, but eventually I start seeing class 1A coming closer and closer. I knew I had to leave, but I couldn't get my feet to move, I was still in a slight trance. The students were getting closer and closer. I saw a green haired boy sprinting towards me, concern filling his eyes and voice. "What's wrong?" he asked. I couldn't get words out, I just kept sobbing. By now, there was a large group of class 1A students all in a big group gathered behind me, whispering nervously to each other.

"What the hell are you doing here?" an angry voice yelled from behind me. Yet again, I couldn't force an answer to come. I felt a familiar weight at my waist, "She came here to get this from me." I felt the tears dry from my face, my liquid based makeup go back to the perfect shapes it had been in before school, and a piece of paper was handed to me. Shizu.

My mouth dried up and I realized what was happening, it was all Shizu. Her arm was supporting me, and I felt steady when she let me go. I turned to face her, We both plastered on fake smiles aa I thanked her and walked away. I was left to ponder why she would do that as I walked away, unfolding the piece of paper to see two hastily scribbled words written across it: I'm sorry.

A/N: I kind of like this chapter... It's been hard for me to write Akira's POV for some reason, but I was able to get this chapter out, so that's pretty good! Please vote, comment, share, and follow (if your extra special could you read some of my other stories)! Thanks for reading! BFN!

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