Chapter One

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A/N: First of all, thank you so much for reading this! But secondly, I would like to describe a little bit about this story: this is a side-story about characters in the general studies course at UA (and yes it'll have some of the characters you all know and love as well). But more importantly, this was not written only by myself. It was written by four different people: Me (@hannahdorothyheisler), Reagan (@Ruler0femAll), *person who prefers to stay unnamed* (@Listening2Rain), and Ella (Good_Username1234 ). All of the cover artwork and art that you'll find throughout the story was done by *name redacted* who is incredible and I am so jealous of *pronoun redacted* for it!

Akira's POV:

I always thought I would be a hero. I had my heart set on it. I already knew what my hero name would be, what my costume would look like, and what school I'd go to. I had everything planned out to perfection, because that's what I was: perfection. So, I'm sure you can imagine my surprise and undeniable rage when I didn't get accepted to the hero course at UA high. At first, I only cried because I knew that my entire future was ruined. Then, my tears dried up and hardened on my face as my sadness turned to rage. Rage at the teachers for not recognizing my undeniable perfection, rage at the heroes for not accepting me, and more importantly: rage at all the students in the hero course for getting what was rightfully mine.

At first, I hid my anger and was determined to become a hero anyways to prove everyone was wrong for doubting me. But then I met Shizu, and everything changed. We were both so bitter about not being accepted into the hero course that we began a new way of life: a more villainous way. I loved everything about the scheming and pranking that we did, but it still felt like something was missing, it felt like my absolute perfection was still not being recognized. I kept that feeling to myself though, and added it to the ever-growing list of things nobody knew about me. Soon enough Shizu became my best friend, but I wanted more. I looked at my fellow classmates in the general studies course, looking for someone who had at least a quarter of the obvious perfection I exhibited. After weeks of searching (without telling Shizu of course), I set my sights on adding Orokana to our little circle of villainy. Her quirk made her an obvious choice, and her personality made me infer that she would be willing to help me. The quirk she possessed allowed her to see the thoughts of others through touch, which would be so great when planning pranks, and she acted secretively, making it so that nobody would notice any difference if she was plotting something evil. I wasn't the biggest fan of her appearance though: her faded jeans, short bleached hair, white t-shirt, and red flannel jacket definitely did not fit my sense of style, which of course was absolute perfection. I wore a tight-fitted royal purple shirt, a pink ascot, a turquoise miniskirt, and black heeled ankle boots. At least, that's what I wore whenever I did any evil tasks. Normally though, I was stuck wearing that stupid school uniform.

Eventually with much persuasion, I was able to convince Orokana to join our little group. She was a big asset, but something still didn't feel right. We were all very intense people, with quirks that were typically displayed in villans, we needed someone to disguise our malicious work. So I befriended Gacho Otoko. Her quirk was one of a hero: she was able to control animals. But behind her constant jokes and positive attitude, she was bitter just like us, and she was very good at keeping secrets and telling flawless lies. Her charisma leant itself to casual events and conversations, throwing off those who got suspicious of us. I would never tell her, but I envied that. She could do something I couldn't, a flaw in my otherwise perfect facade, and keeping her close made it all the more noticable. Regardless, she was an asset, and our group that used be be dreadfully serious became suddenly filled with laughter as we teased the heroes, planned schemes, and laughed about people behind their backs. We were an inseparable clique, and I had planned countless ways to manipulate our group to success; we could've ruled the world. But that all changed the day Shizu was accepted into the Hero Course.

She abandoned us, choosing to be with the people we all had spent months making fun of. She didn't even ask us if we would be okay with it before she accepted. When she finally told us, I freaked out, screaming at her. I didn't even realize what was coming out of my mouth until it was too late. I get like that sometimes whenever I feel extreme emotions. I freak out, going crazy and not even knowing what I'm saying, which for all I know could be gibberish. Whenever these spells come over me, I have no control over my quirk, which is elasticity just like the popular villain GentleCriminal. I could never tell anyone that this happens to me though, because they would look at me like I'm crazy, and they would think of me as uncontrollable. So it goes on the very, very long list of things that people will never know about me.

I still don't know what I said to Shizu that day, but I know that it made her very upset because her normally unreadable face was stretched into an unfamiliar expression, and her eyes were welled with tears, and even though none of the tears spilled over, she never, ever cried so I knew that whatever I said must have been pretty bad. She deserved it though, because she betrayed us, so I don't feel too terrible about whatever it might have been that I said to her. I still don't remember anything from that incident except for the end, when my rage had calmed and Gacho was holding me back while Orokana spat one more insult, and Shizu turned away heading for the hero course dorms with tears in her eyes. I remember tears flooding down my face as Gacho grabbed my hand and I grabbed Orokana's, and we turned away, none of us bothering to wipe away our tears as we headed back to the dorms and collapsed on our beds, hoping that what had just happened was only a nightmare.

It wasn't. Not sure if we were angry or sad, the three of us remained in our rooms all weekend dreading what will come tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my first real day without my best friend. Tomorrow when I walk to school, it won't be arm in arm with Shizu, and my face won't be a picture of happiness. Our laughter and hushed scheming won't fill the general studies classroom. Instead there will only be silence. And internally, my usual perky self will be replaced by my former vengeful self, longing for a way to make the heroes pay for what they've done to me.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this! Please follow, vote, and comment with your ideas! BFN!

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