Chapter Sixteen-Part I

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A/N: Hi, everyone! I know it's been slightly longer than I said it would take, but it took a while to decide what I wanted to happen in this chapter. Please note that Chapter Sixteen will come out in two parts, but this is the first half of it. I really just wanted to post an additional chapter to the story, and I'm not completely finished with Chapter Sixteen, so this felt like a good compromise. The art is a ghost cafe and it is by Listening2Rain 

This chapter is dedicated to _LoneStarWalker_! Here is the update you asked for! Thanks for being such a great reader!

I woke up to screams. Loud, high pitched screams that could better be classified as shrieks.

I've always hated screaming. It reminds me of little kids throwing temper tantrums in the grocery store, of parents yelling at the kids screaming, of people freaking out because they saw a bug—or because they saw me.

When I first figured out I could extract my own blood with my quirk, it was an accident. I was in the middle of giving a presentation on my quirk to the class, feeling extremely anxious, and I couldn't find any water. At that point, I didn't know how to suck the moisture from the air, and I didn't think I could summon any liquids other than water. I freaked out, wanting so badly to impress the class, but was unable to find any water to demonstrate. I reached out with my mind, searching for water somewhere that I couldn't see, and I was concentrating so hard, I summoned my blood instead. It swirled around me, more and more coming out, and I couldn't make it stop. I ended up passing out from blood loss, and when I came back to school a few days later, kids would scream whenever I came near them. I guess they thought I would extract their blood and kill them or something....

Obviously, walking up to screams is extremely unpleasant, and hearing them I instantly knew today wasn't going to be a good day.

That was when I noticed the bugs. I was covered in them from head to toe, like they were a blanket. There were so many of them I actually felt sick. I guess everyone is screaming because of the bugs. Quickly I jumped out of my bed, and hopped up and down to shake the bugs from me.

I've never been deathly afraid of bugs, or anything like that, but I've never liked them. There's something I find so unsettling about the tiny little creatures that crawl everywhere, right next to you when you don't even notice them. Maybe it's just that I don't like the idea of people watching me. Of course, bugs aren't people, but still.

I pulled water from the air, plumbing pipes, and from the bins I have strategically placed around the room to practice my quirk, and sent a wave of water down my body to wash off the bugs. Luckily, the wave was strong, and I couldn't feel anything crawling on me anymore.

Opening the door, I rushed into the hallway and down the stairs, hoping that the bugs were only in my room. In the common room, Iida was screaming for order to no avail.

"Silence, everyone. This is clearly a targeted attack, but if we freak out, we're only letting them—"

"A targeted attack?! By who? The League of Villains?" Ashido interrupted, which made everyone who hadn't already been screaming join into the chorus of madness.

"Okay, everyone calm down," said Mr. Aizawa as he walked into the room, looking even more tired than usual. "Yaoyorozu called me here saying that you had all been attacked by bugs?"

"There's also a giant fire outside!" Uraraka added. There was a fire outside? I hadn't realized that. Come to think of it, I do smell smoke.

"I believe it is our clothes that are on fire. I noticed some of mine are missing," explained Todoroki.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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