I stated before completely pulling away from his arms then speed walking toward the school theatre.

Dear heavenly father, I damn near almost fainted at what just happened. I held my cool though, as I neared the double door entrance of the theatre. It was slightly dim, with only the stage lights on. There were a few students seated on the stage, while others where seated in the front row. I took my time to examine the large room, with red cushioned seats in each row. Above it; a production set. Probably where the lights and sound were handled.

"Mani! You came!"

I turned my gaze towards the sound of my name. It had been Kara, who greeted me enthusiastically before jogging over to me then grabbing my hand.

"Come meet the others"

She said excitedly before dragging me to the stage. I chuckled at her behaviour.

She was so adorable.


The group that sat on the stage turned towards my direction as we neared them.

"This is Armani..my best friend and future screenwriter"

I blushed, waving shyly at the group. A girl with dark brown skin and thick braided hair stood up. She smiled, exposing her dimples before making her way towards me. She was really pretty and looked to be from Jamaica. Something about her screamed that vibe.

"Hi Armani, I'm Tamara. Aspiring actress"

She extended her hand and I took it. Our handshake was brief. She had really soft hands though.

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

I smiled brightly, already inlove with her energy.

"Well aren't you a cutie"

A boy with short brunette hair spoke up. He had this cute outfit on, which consisted of a v-neck sweater vest and boyfriend jeans. He ended the fit with black and red leather docs and the sweater came in a classic cream white with a single blue lining around the v-neck area.

Definitely giving vintage indie aesthetic.

"And that Is Matty"

Tamara playfully rolled her eyes as the person named Matty approached us.

"Hey! I can introduce myself y'know."

Matty playfully shoved Tamara, grabbing my hand then shaking it.

"I'm Matty, the head of this whole thing...they literally worship me around here"

I rose my brows in shock;

"Well wow-"

"Oh please Matty, nobody worships you around here"

A guy spoke up, walking up to the stage from the production room. He had rich dark skin and short cut hair. He was quite tall and attractive all together.

"Argh there Jay goes, ruining my spot light with his attractive face and jaw dropping voice"

Matty says, rolling his eyes. The guy I presumed was named Jay playfully shook his head before approaching me.

"Matty can be quite the drama queen, best you don't take him seriously"

He had a base to his voice that best suited his accent.

"Hi, I'm Jaydon. I transferred here last year from the UK. I'm apart of the production team"

I nodded;

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