This was getting ridiculous. They were just talking in circles, and Brooklyn could see that Paul was only becoming more and more frustrated with this conversation. She didn't understand why it was so important for her to approve of him hanging out with Sam Uley.

"Look, I'm obviously missing something important, and this conversation isn't getting us anywhere," Brooklyn said. "And I have plans with Seth, so can we just talk about this later? Or better yet, let's talk about literally anything other than Sam Uley."

With that, Brooklyn grabbed her bag and left the room. As she began walking over to Seth's house, she realized how glad she was that she put on a sweatshirt. Her face and hands prickled as the crisp evening air bit at her exposed skin. The slight breeze caused the branches of the trees rustle, and she heard the occasional bird call and twig snapping from beyond the treeline from some of the woodland creatures that lived in the forest.

She finally arrived at Seth's house and knocked at the door. Leah Clearwater that answered the door with a miserable look on her face— she had looked like that for months now. Brooklyn was beginning to become so used to that look that it would have been more odd to see Leah with a grin on her face. Sam Uley had really done a number on her.

"Hey, Leah," Brooklyn said. She didn't bother asking how Leah was doing, she already knew that things haven't been great for Leah since her breakup, and Brooklyn figured that she must be exhausted of people talking about it and asking how she was holding up. In a small community like La Push, people knew almost everything about everybody, and Leah and Sam's breakup had been less than secret.

"Hey," Leah responded with a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. She stepped aside to let Brooklyn into the house.

Brooklyn walked the familiar path to Seth's room. His door was open and he was lying on his bed playing a game on his phone. He looked up as she walked in and gave her a wide smile.

"Hey, Brooke," he greeted.

"Hi, Seth," she answered with a smile that matched his. She set her bag down on the floor. "So, should we let Sue know that we're ready to go?"

"Sure," Seth answered as he got up. She waited for him to put on his shoes, and they walked out to the living room where Sue and Harry were sitting. The sound of laughter could be heard from down the hall. Brooklyn's heart twinged for a second— she wished that she had a family like Seth's. She didn't have a single memory of her parents being in the same room as each other, let alone any memories of them laughing together. She could only hope to, one day, have a marriage as strong and happy as Sue and Harry's (she was willing to bet that she would eventually have that with Seth).

"Hey, mom. We're ready to go," Seth said with a particularly Seth-like grin on his face.

"Thanks again, Sue, for agreeing to drive us," Brooklyn added.

Sue smiled. "It's no problem. I just can't wait for the day when you two get your licenses and can drive yourselves."

"Don't be too excited though, they'll be harder to keep track of once they're mobile," Harry laughed. Sue gave Harry a heartfelt smile, and a peck on the cheek before she, Brooklyn, and Seth got in the car and drove to the movie theater in Port Angeles. Once they arrived, they said quick goodbyes to Sue, and waited for her car to leave their line of sight.

As soon as she was gone, Seth pulled Brooklyn in for a kiss. "I have been wanting to do that all day," he said.

She grinned up at him. "I'm so glad we're doing this today. Things have been so tense at home and school is getting so stressful."

Seth held her hand as they got in line to buy their tickets.

"Did you hear that Jared Cameron joined Sam's posse?" Seth asked.

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