Chapter 20- They Don't Know About Us...

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Hey guys, I'm on holidays... So hopefully I'll go crazy updating! :) enjoy!

Georgia's P.O.V

I awoke the next morning with Harry peacefully sleeping next to me with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I flipped over so that I was facing him and I kissed his lips softly, trying to calmly wake him up. I toyed with a few strands of his curly luscious hair which caused him to groan and his eyes effortlessly flutter open.

"Morning baby" he whispered in his very sexy morning voice

"Hi" I replied smiling.

We both leaned in for a kiss until Darcy started to cry. Screaming out that she was awake, Harry and I both groaned, as we were having a great moment until our daughter wrecked it.

"Let's both go" Harry whispered in my ear as he played with my strings on my shirt.

He stood up and pulled me towards him, picking me up and placing me in his strong arms. I nuzzled my head into his neck, pressing my lips to his neck and shoulders.

We walked towards Darcy's room and Harry placed me down right outside Darcy's door. I opened the door to see my beautiful daughter in bed looking at the toys hanging from her roof.

The both of us walked simultaneously towards her bed and I picked her up. She made an excitement noise when she saw the both of us.

All three of us stood in Darcy's room for about 10 minutes until we heard the front door open.

Harry exited the room to see who it was incase it was some murderer but seconds later he came back with a smile on his face.

"It's all good. Someone wants to see you though."

I walked out curiously with Darcy in my arms as she played with my hair and made baby noises.

As I walked out of her room I looked down the stairs and there stood.....

Anne, Harry's mum and Gemma, his sister. I screamed frightening Darcy a bit and chucked her to Harry. He just barely catching her. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could without falling to get towards my best friend and my second mother. We haven't seen the two of them since Darcy was born and that was 6 months ago.

Ever since I've known Harry, Gemma and I always got along like we were sisters and best friends so when Harry proposed to me, I was not only excited about marrying the love of my life but also being closer to Gemma.

"Hi you guys! Harry didn't tell me you were coming" I looked at Harry cheekily and he just did his famous smile coated with dimples.

"I wanted it to be a surprise because we are going somewhere. Just me, you and my mother!" Gemma said excitedly

"Ooh! Where are we going?"

"WEDDING SHOPPING! Yay" Anne yelled out causing Darcy to start crying. As soon as Harry started rocking her she stopped. Those two are just the cutest. Like father like daughter!

"Are you serious?" I questioned, not knowing if they were serious or not 

"Yea, so go get your bag, we're leaving in 10 minutes." Gemma exclaimed 

"alright, alright, geez woman... Haz are you alright with Darcy for a while?" 

"Yes Georgia, now go have some fun" he kissed me square on the lips and added a bit of passion to it until Darcy decided to yet again ruin the moment by playfully squealing. 

I walked into Harrry and My Bedroom and grabbed my handbag 

Walking back out I took Darcy from Harry's arms and gave her a big smile and bounced her up and down in my arms. "You be good for Daddy, Darcy" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and handed her back to Harry. 

"Bye Ladies" Harry said as he pushed us out the door. 

 I drove Harry's Range Rover as Anne sat in the passenger side and Gemma alone in the backseat... Poor Gem 

When we got to the shops, I instantly found a car park. Hoping out, the three of us were bombarded with paparazzi. Screaming and flashing their camera's in our faces we pushed towards the door of the mall. 

"Finally." Anne exclaimed in almost a whisper as we entered the shop peacefully and gracefully. We shopped for hours and hours until we couldnt shop any more. 

In the many hours we had been shopping the three of us managed to buy/ plan the following: My Wedding Dress, The Bridesmaids dresses,  the cake flavours and baker, the caterers and finally, the flowers. 

The only main thing we needed to do now was to find somewhere to have the reception and the ceremony. Harry can do that. Yes. Alright, thats settled. 

During the day, The three of us had signed a lot of fans things as obviously we were noticed. A few gave me death glares but i shook them off. 

*On Our Way Home* 

I was feeling a bit exhausted and felt sick so Anne offered to drive home which i was thankful for. We talked mostly about Darcy and Harry and what Anne and Gemma have missed in the Younger Generation of the Styles. We finally got home and I ran inside.

I ran straight past Harry who was playing with Darcy on her mat. 

"Babe? Georgia?" 

I kept running until I reached the bathroom. Throwing up all the contents within my stomach Harry stood at the door. He walked over to me and pulled my hair back for me pecking me on the neck.

I don't know why but i started to cry.. Harry just pulled me in for a hug. We wer just lying together next to the toilet in the bathroom. Gemma came in gracefully to see what was the matter. Harry started asking her so many questions 

"What did you do today Gemma? What is wrong with her? She can't be sick our wedding is in 1 month!" Harry was almost full on screaming now. I heard Anne trying to cheer up Darcy from downstairs

"HARRY!" I shouted over his shouting 

I quietened down just a bit to let the next sentence just flow out of my mouth

"Harry, i think I'm pregnant." 

How was it???? Comment and Vote please! xxx

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