Chapter 14- Live While We're Young!

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OMG! So I have pre-ordered their new album and i am actually so excited! Why couldn't it come out in September not November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Thanks for the last chapters reads and votes and i am extremely sorry for not updating. So here is a chapter to make up for all the times i haven't upoloaded!

Harry's P.O.V: 

"So how was work?" Georgia asked. 

"Alright. You know the usual! Recording our new album, Take me home." I explained to her

"Oh yea that is the one with Live While We're Young on it?" She said matter-of-factly but sort of with a question! 

"Yep. Alright we're here babe" She had her eyes closed and head leaning against the seat. She opened them when i told her that we were here. 

"Okay, Thanks!" 

We walked in together and she squeezed my hand tightly. I know I'm a man but seriously this girl, she was strong, i think my knuckles were going white. Georgia and I walked up to the counter. Sat at the counter was a middle aged woman. She had short hair that was salt and pepper like, you know dark and grey and she had wrinkles all over her face. She smiled a small smile and asked us for our names. More specifically Georgia's name. 


Georgia's P.O.V: 

Oh Crap. What was i supposed to say my name was...... Georgia styles or Georgia Walters??????? This was seriously confusing. I gave Harry a look and he answered for me... 

"Georgia Walters" he said. 

I smiled small at him, though i was glad he didn't say Styles. Even though we were engaged, It wasn't official so my name hadn't changed yet. 

"Ah yes, your Dr will be with you shortly, he just has 1 patient before you and then he will see you. You look likeb you're about to pop. Good Luck with the birth, I am sure it will all go well for you." The lady whose name tag read Andrea. 

"Thanks Andrea" Harry said as I was still chuckling from her popping joke. I mean, it wasn't even that funny although i continued to laugh. Harry and I took a seat where we could find one and about ten minutes later, my doctor came out. 

"Miss Walters?" He questioned. 

Harry stood up and helped me up. What a lovely man. We walked into the room holding hands. Harry had a firm grip on my hand and i tried to match the grip. 

I walked into the room and sat down on the bed. I was having yet another ultrasound. Harry had been to three other ultrasound, which all of them he cried at. Harry sat on the seat next to my bed not letting my hand go. It started to feel sweaty. I released my grip a bit and pulled away from Harry's.  He looked at me. I just smilled and wiped my hand. I rejoined our hands while the Dr started talking.

*1 Hour later*

Well, Miss Walters, your baby should arrive next week sometime. I am letting you go home but Harry i need you to keep a close eye on her at all times as she could go into labor at any minute..." The doctor strictly warned Harry and I. Well more Harry... 

And with that, we were on our way home. I had long forgotten about our little fight we had before about Harry being home late, so i was a happy little chappy now. 

"Arggghh!!" I groaned... "I'm starving baby" I told Harry as he drove out of the hospital car park. 

Harry just laughed.. 

"Would you like some Maccy D's?? (McDonalds!)" 

"Yes please... These stupid pregnancy hormones are going to make me obese after Darcy-Anne is born!" Harry chuckled and I just smiled and closed my eyes thinking that next week our little baby girl would be coming into the world! WOW! I couldn't wait... Then, Harry and I are getting married..  Happy At last! 

While I was thinking, i realised i still had some baby stuff on laybuy at the local Target. 

We pulled up at McDonalds to see about 5 paparazzi waiting for us.. Uggghhh how I hated the paparazzi when I, a cranky pregnant woman was hungry... I opened the door and jumped out as Harry walked around the car and held out his hand for me to take..

We walked inside and I ordered basically everything on the menu... Oh My Goshness, I was beginning to sound a lot  like Niall.. However, Harry ordered a cheeseburger, coke and a fries! 

Sorry for the late update! I was celebrating my birthday last week and yes, It was wonderful thank you! I got a camera, you know, like the one Harry is holding in that picture of him taking a photo... Yea, it's exactly like that one! Anywhoo, thank you for the 1,286 reads! Holy Shizballs! I was shocked! Thanks Readers! looking forward to writing the next chapter!!!! xxxxx

What am I going to do with you? (Harry Styles Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora