Chapter 9- Love Story

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Hey directioners!!! 

414 days until the Brisbane One Direction Concert!!! AHHH So excited! :)

xx Enjoy! 

<3 Georgia 

Georgia's P.O.V: 

It was only 12 hours ago that Harry asked me to Marry him. I bet you want to know what I said, aye? Alright! I said Yes!!! :) Of course I would say Yes, I mean I love Harry with all my heart and he loves me!  It's 7am, the time I always wake up. Harry was still peacefully sleeping so I decided to go downstairs and make some tea. As I got downstairs, everything was as we left it last night, A MESS! There was paper from Harry all over the kitchen bench, stuff from Harry's lunch yesterday, Bowls in the sink from both of us from Breakfast.. Guilty! and more! I boiled the jug and started to clean up. I tried to make as little noise as i could so I wouldn't wake Harry. I know how angry he gets when he doesn't get his beauty sleep. He is pretty moody, let me tell you!! 

About 10 minutes later, the house was tidy, the tea was made and I was just heading back up to Mine and Harry's bedroom! Thankfully, Harry was still sleeping. I walked over to our bed and placed the tea on the bedside table. I hopped into bed and sat on top of Harry. My knees either side of his very fit torso. I leaned down and Kissed him on the lips, swiping my tongue on his bottom lip. He groaned and flicked his eyes open. The bright light must have hurt because he shot them closed again! 

"Morning Hot Stuff" I complimented him. His eyes fluttered open wider this time, revealing his gorgeous Emerald Green Eyes. 


"I Made Tea, Your Favourite!!!!" 

"Naww Thank you gorgeous!" I smiled at the thought of being called gorgeous and blushed looking down at Harry's torso. He grabbed his tea and took a sip. He swallowed and put his cup on the dressing table. He sat up a bit and tucked a bit of hari behind my ear. I played with his curls as his hands cupped my face. He kissed me with passion. We were there for a few minutes before his tongue swept across my bottom lip and we started snogging. 

After what seemed like forever, I pulled away for air and smiled at him. He had properly woken up now and I would have to if someone kissed me like that. 

" How is my gorgeous fiancee this morning?" he asked me with a big grin on his face. 

"Well Thank you. Do you think we should tell Lou , El, Dani, Liam, Zayn, Perry, Niall and Demi?" I asked Harry.Well let me explain a little bit here shall i? Well Lou and El are currently Married and very happy. Liam and Danielle are also Married and very Happy. Zayn and Perry are going okay, they live with each other and the rest of it and Niall and Demi Lovato started dating about 4 months ago! I am very happy for all of them. 

"Yea I think we should tell them! I'll ring Lou and Liam. and you ring Zayn and Niall. Tell them to come over at about 11 ish!" 

"Alright!" I pecked him on the lips and got out of bed. I could feel that today, was going to be a good day!!! :) 


Sorry It's Short Guys!!! I just have homework to do and I am very tired!! xx 

I'll update again  tomorrow maybe! or Thursday!!!

Guess what? I have Tetanus needles tomorrow!!! YOUCH! 

xxx Georgia 

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