Chapter 6- More than this.

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Georgia's P.O.V: 

I had the most wonderful sleep last night. I awoke from my sleep to find myself in Harry's bedroom. I looked down, thankfully finding my clothes were still on. I rolled over and Harry was still sleeping next to me. I was running all the things and events that happened last night. Oh My Word. My Father. He was gone. I sobbed at the thought of loosing my father who i loved to pieces.

Memories came flooding back. The first one was when i was learning to walk. He stood right behind me, holding my hands. The second memories was when we went out for Ice -cream together one time. I smiled to myself, thinking about all the times we had spent together and when he spoiled me. I let out a cry and sobbed into Harry''s pillow. I must have sobbed a bit loudly because i hear Harry wake up next to me. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. 

"Oh, Sweetheart, come here. I'll always be here for you, ok bub?" He told me and i nodded and snuggled right up into his chest. His chest was bare and i loved the feeling of his abs. Wait... What am i talking about. "How about we just lounge around all day and watch happy movies?" Harry suggested to me and i nodded. That sounded like a pretty damn fine idea to me. 

Harry picked out the first movie since i wasn't in the mood to stand up, go to the movie cabinet, choose one, put it in the dvd player and turn it on. Seriously, i just couldn't be bothered. Harry put the movie in which i noticed it was The Notebook. I love this movie. Harry knew it was one of my favourites. 

The movie was almost at the end when Noah is lying with Ali on the same bed kissing her and their talking about dying together. I was balling my eyes out. I needed a good cry and i am pretty sure over the last two days i had definitely gotten rid of a lot of the anger and sadness out of my system there was nothing left, but there was. There always was... 

The  more i cried the closer Harry pulled me into him. Once the movie was over. I lied down with my head in Harry's lap. He stroked my hair. I was beginning to fall asleep when Anne walked in. 

"Hey Haz, oh Hey Georgie. how are you doing sweetie. I am sorry about your dad"  i heard anne say. That set me off. I burst into tears and burried my face in Harry's lap. It was a bit awkward if you know what i mean. 

Harry's P.O.V. 

I gave my mum and 'oh-now-you've-done-it' look and she apologetically grinned. She came over to where Georgia was lying on me and got her to sit up. Goodness, it looked like i had wet my pants because ther at was where she was crying. Anyways. My mum hugged her and told her everything was going to be okay. My mum also told her she was allowed to stay over whenever she wanted to. That made me smile.

My mum left to prepare for dinner and the usual stuff she does and i just sat there with Georgia next to me calming her down. I knew stroking her hair would came her down. It wasn't working.. 

"George, Babe. Do you want to go to your house and see how your mum is doing? She is probably worried about you and you need to get some sleep." I told her. She nodded and she sat up. I stood up and grabbed her hand. I told my mum where we were going and she just nodded understandably. Georgia and I walked the short distance to her house and she pulled out her keys. 

We entered the house and to be honest, the house looked like WW3 had happened there. There were dirty dishes everywhere, paper all over the floor and even a few ants eating the food on the kitchen table. I grinned and we continued straight to Georgia's room. 

I sat on her bed while Georgia had a shower and got into her pajamas.  We decided to watch a movie on her laptop since she wasn't tired enough to go to bed straight away. She cuddled up to me  as the romantic part of the movie was present and minutes later i looked over to her and she was sleeping. 

I tried to lay her down straight so i could go back to my house, but i epically failed. She awoke from her sleep and settled her self into bed. 

"Harry?" She questioned. 

"Yea hun?" I answered her. 

"Stay again tonight please. I love it when you stay over." 

"Okay, but just let me get changed at my place and tell my mum." 

"Promise to come back?" she asked worried that i would ditch her. I mean, i never, ever would even think about doing that. That would make me a selfish prick! Which i am most certainly not. 

I quickly ran back to my place, changed into my pj's and kissed my mum on the cheek goodnight as i explained to her that Georgia needed me by her side. My mum nodded and i ran out of there as soon as i could and back to Georgia's house. To my surprise, Mrs Walters was awake... 

"Good evening Mrs Walters. Would you like me to clean up for you?" I asked her. Feeling just a tad bit terrible for her. I mean, she had just lost the love of her life and now her house looks like it has been hit by a bomb. 

"That would be lovely, Harry. You're such a wonderful kid, you know that. I want you to take a lot of care for my daughter. She is quite fragile in situations like these. So, don't do anything stupid." 

"I will definitely Mrs Walter. I love her too much to hurt her." I smiled and walked into Georgia's bedroom. I hadn't really been in her room since before X-Factor and it had changed. She had at least 20 posters of us on her wall, Her bed was located in a different spot, her desk and dressing table were parallel from her bed and she had two bedside tables next to her bed. Her walls were pink and green. A nice green, not a harsh yucky green. 

Georgia was fast asleep on her bed, so i tucked her into bed and went down to where i was just a short time ago and started cleaning up.

After cleaning, i joined Georgia in her double bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow i was fast asleep..

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