Chapter 10- I Do!

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Hey Thanks for the 320 reads everyone!! Aiming for at least 500 by the time I finish this story! Possibly More! Enjoy this chapter, i know some of you are eager to read more!! xxx

Harry's P.O.V: 

I got out of bed after finishing the fabulous tea Georgia had made me and I walked downstairs. The smell of bacon filled the air as i walked closer to the kitchen. Georgia, I must say, Is an excellent cook! I have been telling her to go on one of those cooking shows for a year now. She just won't do it!  

I walked into the kitchen and hugged her by the waist. My beautiful fiancee was cooking in our kitchen. I kissed her on the cheek and she turned around from the stove and faced me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in a passionately kissed me. She pulled away to check the bacon. 

"I'll take over honey, if you would like? I already called Lou and Liam alright? they are coming over at 11!" 

"Alright, well let me go ring Niall and Zayn and I'll be in the shower if you need me." She told me. I watched as she climbed the stairs. Her bum swinging from side to side as each leg went up a step. Oh, How her backside is sexy!

I finished off cooking and served up. Georgia was walking down the stairs just as I placed the plates on the table. 

"Well done Harry, I Love you! This looks Yum!!" She exclaimed! 

"Why thank you sweetheart, I Love you too!" I replied 

"Oh, I called Niall and Zayn and Zayn is already on his way because he had to pick Perry up from somewhere!  So they'll be here in 1 hour and Niall and Demi are coming at 11!" She told me, talking so fast she had to breath in a whole room full of air just to be able to speak again. God she is crazy sometimes. But that's why I love her!! Hahah :) 



Zayn and Perry have been here for about 2 hours now and we haven't broken the news yet but Georgia and I will break the news with all of them there! 

*Door Bell Rings* 

"I'll get it, it's probably one of the couples!" Georgia Said as she walked over to the front door. She opened the door and squealed at the sight of Danielle. She and Georgia have always been the best of friends since I introduced them to each other back in 2010.  Liam slid past them looking at them weirdly and walking over to Zayn and I. 

"Hello Man, How are you?"  I asked Liam, shaking his hand. 

"Vas' Happenin?" Zayn said smugly. 

" Hey Harry, Nothing Much Zayn!" 

Shortly After, Everyone had Arrived. We made tea and coffee and prepared snacks. We all sat  down in the living-room.  

"Well, Hi everyone, I bet you're wondering why we organized a family reunion. Well we are family" I said recieving joyful groans from most of them. " As you all know, we are gathered here today-" 

"We are not at a wedding Harry!" Georgia interupted me, smiling. 

"As i was saying, we brought you here today because we, Georgia and I, have some news!" I continued.

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Georgia Shouted excitedly gripping my hand tighter. All the girls squeled with excitement  and they were all jumping around like maniacs, talking excitedly like it was a prom or formal or something. 

"Congratz man!" All the boys chorused at me. I nodded in response. 

"So, When, Where, Who is who?????? Details please?" Lou and Niall said in rather a duet, varying between them both. 

"We haven't worked that out yet! I only popped the question last night!!! DUH!" I told them. 

After that it was just chitter and chatter and then they left at about 4:30. 

I made dinner and we ate at around 7. 

We watched Devil wears Prada on tele and by the time it was finished it was about 11pm. 

"How about some celebration sex?" Georgia asked. This shocked me so much !!! I couldn't say no! So i just nodded! 


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