Chapter Nine

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I hope this is much more than you're expecting. Enjoy reading and don't forget, that your votes and comments are highly appreciated.

Linda's POV

I didn't expect I would be outside that long with Steve. I was so surprised when he told me the time. Who would have known small talks would make a person lose track of time?
I asked to walk him to his room. I didn't want him to feel lonely for any amount of time. I thought that would make him go back to thinking about Susan and that wasn't going to help matters.
My plan was to help him get over her as soon as possible. I didn't want to see this cute guy depressed.

He agreed to let me walk him and so we headed down the road that led to his room.
We didn't talk much.

"Good night"
That was all I said as he was about to turn the doorknob and l left not waiting for a reply. Somehow, I didn't want to enter his room. I went the way to my room. As I walked I realised how late it was, the walkways were empty and all shops were literally closed.

I got to my room not long after, I wasn't surprised when I didn't meet Joan. Just as usual, she must have gone for another party.
I had a shower, changed into my night clothes and laid in the bed as I gradually drifted off to sleep.

Joan's entrance into the room woke me up from sleep the next morning.

"You're back?", I said as my eyelids fluttered trying to adjust to the intensity of light.

"Yes", she replied drowsily as she fumbled removing her shoes.

I stood up from the bed and got myself ready for class.
I stepped out of the house feeling refreshed and enjoying the smell of the morning air. Maybe because I kept looking at the sky, but as soon as I looked ahead, I figured my legs had brought me to the coffee shop. Looks like my body didn't forgo the habit of passing by the coffee shop every morning. Since I was already there, I entered and ordered a cup of coffee.
After getting my order, I turned and right behind me was Steve.

"Hey Steve, good morning", I greeted, my face beaming with smiles.

"Good morning", he said and smiled, then continued. "Something makes me think you came here so you'd see me this morning", he teased.

"I'm not a stalker, but still, it's not bad that I get to see your face", I laughed.

He got in front of the line and ordered his coffee.

"You have an early morning class?", he asked while he waited for the coffee.

"Yeah, a psychology course. The professor is a fan of morning classes"

"I believe you're used to it"
He collected the coffee and we started moving towards a table.

"I don't have any other choice, do I?", I said as we sat down.

"Sometimes I wonder why anyone would want to do psychology"

Laughing I replied,
"Psychology is fun, the learning to study the mind, to study the behaviour of a person. I've always loved it."

"That's cool. And oh yes, thanks for yesterday. I took quite a lot of your time, didn't I?"

"Don't thank me. I was only worried about you, and I didn't want you to go into a state of depression, that was me doing what I could at least do", I replied emptying my cup.
"I have to go now, I don't want to anger the professor by going into his class late", I stood up and he stood also.

"Alright Linda, I hope you have a nice day."
We shook hands and I left the coffee shop.

As I went for my lecture, I couldn't help but think about Steve. My crush on him was long gone, but a part of me still admired him. I silently prayed that he was healed as soon as possible. I entered the lecture room and the professor entered almost immediately after I did. I sat down quietly and listened as the class went on.

Steve's POV

After Linda left, I sat down and drank the rest of my coffee. Funny enough, it tasted just fine no longer extra bitter.
I had woken up too early that morning, as much as I wanted to go back to sleep I couldn't, so I dressed up and came out of my room. I was taking a walk down the road when I saw Linda on her way to the coffee shop. I hadn't intended to, but I ended up following her. I was the real stalker here.
I took my phone and called Bryan. He picked it on the second ring.

"Hey man, where you at?", he said as soon as he picked the call.

"The coffee shop, what's up?"

"I just left your room. Jason said he hasn't seen you this morning", his voice showed he was worried.

"I woke up quite early, couldn't sleep, so I came out for a walk and ended up at the coffee shop"

"Should I come over?"

"No. I called to ask if you were at your place. I'll come there", I told him.

"Alright man. Come quick, breakfast is ready."
The sound of breakfast for some odd reason excited me.

"I'll be there", I said and cut the call. I stood up and left the shop, heading for Bryan's house.

In a matter of minutes, I was already knocking his door. He opened up and I went in.
Just as he had said, breakfast was ready and soon we were both eating.

"Jason said you came back late yesterday night. Where were you?"
I noticed that trace of worry in his voice again.

"I was with Linda", I replied absentmindedly.

"With Linda? You're joking right. I thought you don't like girls who talk too much", he began to tease me.

"Well, you guys left just the two of us alone yesterday. Due to the fact I didn't want to go to my room, we went for a walk to the park."

"And how long did you guys walk for? Or does walking to the river take over five hours?"
Bryan chuckled as he gave me questioning looks.

"Not that it was planned, we sat by the river and started talking, only to find out later that a lot of time had gone"
I knew that answer was just going to fuel his curiosity more but at the same time I didn't care what it did.

Laughing, Bryan said,
"What exactly were you guys talking about by the way?"

"Don't disturb me man, it was just small talk, but I know that for that short period of time, I wasn't sulking and I was quite relaxed, as though there was no stress in my life", I said while staring blankly into space.

"You want to keep talking to her?"

"In some way, yes. I feel she lifts my spirit and calms my worries"
I honestly do not know where those words came from but they were the truth and they made me figure the reason why I followed Linda to the coffee shop this morning.

"It's not bad. If she helps you heal, you might as well keep talking to her."
Bryan said and stood up to pack our the dishes. While I sat there and ruminated on the fact that I had just found the drug to my hurting and bleeding heart. Linda.

For reading... I say, thank you😘

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