Chapter Two

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Steve's POV

I lived my life as usual, or maybe not as usual. My breakup with Susan was messing with my head.
I don't understand why I found it so difficult to move on.
Jason was at that point tired of me.
He had tried everything he could just to cheer me up and make me live like the free man I was but my life was not normal. I found it difficult to live normally because my normal involved Susan. We had been together since we were freshmen. If I wasn't in class, I was either playing basketball or I was with Susan.
To relieve myself I spent more time in the basketball court and even more time sleeping. I slept like a log way too many times. I skipped quite a lot of classes too, especially my morning classes, I struggled to meet the remaining classes.

Three Months Later....

My alarm buzzed in my head. I turned to put it off. As I turned to continue my sleep, Jason hit me on the head and I remembered I had an exam that morning.

"Shit," I muttered and got out of bed.

With breakup all over my mind, I hadn't realized how fast time had passed and it was time for exams. I was a little over the breakup anyway.
I had woken up early so taking a cup of coffee didn't seem so bad to me. I stopped my daily routine of drinking coffee since I all I did was sleep in and miss morning classes.
As soon as I was done dressing I headed to the coffee shop.

On getting there, I joined the queue. Inhaling the blissful smell of coffee that I had missed so much, I looked ahead. Maybe that was a mistake, but what or who I saw was not what I wanted. Susan.
I had been avoiding her since forever only to meet her when I was starting to get over her. That was no way to start a new day. I turned and left the coffee shop in a hurry. I was not in the mood to talk to her. I wasn't going to let the sight of her ruin such an important exam.
As I opened the door and got out, right in front of me was that girl. The girl with the trashy behavior and I don't understand why it felt like she was waiting for me.

"Good morning" she muttered and as soon as she had said it, she turned her back and started walking away really fast.

I swear a genuine smile came on my face for the first time after three months. I don't know what came over me, but I found myself following her.

Linda's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. I slept very late reading for the exam I had that morning. I looked across and saw Joan sprawled on her bed. Wasted from the party she had gone the night before.
I crawled off the bed and prepared to go out.

For the past three months (don't call me jobless), I kept going early in the morning to the coffee shop.
My aim - to at least catch a glimpse of the cute guy I had treated badly. Funny enough I never got to see him. Every morning, I went earlier than the last and peeped in but he was never there.

Fully dressed, I headed out. Off to the coffee shop as usual.

As I stepped out of my room, I looked into the sky, strangely, it felt bluer than usual. I loved it, so I enjoyed the feeling while it lasted. Felt like a wonderful way to start the day.

I was almost at the coffee shop when I saw the cute faced guy enter the coffee shop. I was so surprised to see him. All I did was stand by the window staring at him as he joined the queue to order coffee. Strangely, just as soon as he got to the queue, he turned and left.

Without thinking, I ran to the door and waited. He opened the door and looked straight into my eyes and straightway I lost whatever confidence I had inll me.

"Good morning," was all I could mutter before my legs started to carry me to the opposite direction very hurriedly.

Just before I turned I saw him smile. His smile was so cute. I felt myself blush. A few seconds later, I heard him follow me.

"Why was he following me?" I wondered in my head.

I walked even faster, then I heard his steps get slower and slower until I didn't hear them anymore. He was long gone.
Gosh, what was wrong with me. I beat myself on the head and that's when I suddenly remembered I had an exam.
Standing right there, it was confirmed, I had crush on him. Oh my word, I didn't even know his name.
Feeling very stupid and dumb, I strolled to my exam hall.

My exam was no fun, I wrote as much as I could anyway. I mean, it's not easy majoring in Psychology. As much as I loved school I still couldn't wait for first semester exams to end so I could go home and at least rest for a little while.
After my exam my stomach rumbled too much making me eat at the first restaurant I came across. In that place I met someone new.

I sat at the far back of the restaurant chewing steak when someone stood in front of me. I looked up and it was a guy. This guy was super cute.

"Can I join your table?" he asked.

Well of course I couldn't refuse the cute guy, so he sat.

"My name is Bryan" He started.

"I'm Linda"

"I believe you're writing exams too. Your major?" He asked.

"Psychology and you?"


"That's sounds cool, I take it that it's way cooler than Psychology, no much stress", I said.

"You must be kidding me, Geography is as much stress as Psychology is," He said and I couldn't help but wonder if that was true.

We literally had lunch together and we chatted way long. I found out he was in his Junior year. He had just one year left, lucky him.
We parted ways, and decided to meet the next day after my exam by 5pm at that same place. I couldn't wait.

I got back to my room feeling rather excited. No wonder Joan was questioning me as to where I had been since I finished exam. I got back quite late.

The girl couldn't wait to get my reply even. As soon as she asked, she went out to party as usual.
I read a little and slept off on my book.

The next day
I crash read for my exam, another Psychology course. Deep down I concentrated more on the fact that I was going to see someone by 5pm than on my exam. Being the social person that I am, I've always loved making new friends.

After my exam, I packed by books and dashed off to the restaurant, it was few minutes past 5.

When I got to the restaurant, Bryan was already seated.

"Hey Bryan," I called and waved.
He waved back and I walked towards the table.

I like it when guys know how to keep to time, it's nice. In front of him, backing me, was someone too. I went straight to the table. I greeted Bryan, turned to greet the other guy and my eyes received a very great shock.

I hope you had fun reading.....
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