Chapter 4 (Part 1): The Escape

Start from the beginning

"Why don't be look at the flower beds?" He led me to the complete opposite side of the greenhouse, and a feeling of excitement began to rise.

"Smoke began to collect on the floor where Trey had "fallen" and seconds later a bang resounded in the room. The room went dark, and immediately, I knew what had happened. The cameras and all tapping devices were blown.

"Quick!" he called and I raced over to the number pad and punched in, "48593" as quick as I could. The green house floor seemed to invert upon itself. Seconds later, where there was a transparent plant nursery, was a gleaming new Aero. A plane. The fastest plane in Obsidian. It was sleek and pitch black with no neon ribbons encasing it. Where there would've been, were implants of translucent clear metal. It was eingines on either side, but seemed to be melded into the plane formation. The tip was finely pointed, and each wing light and lithe. It was aerodynamic and stealthy in everyway.

Trey grabbed my hands and hauled me into the Aero. He threw our bags in the chairs behind the cockpit and slammed through the cabin. He swung the chair around and put the headset on his head, strapping the belt in, and revving the engine. I was frozen in fear.

"Aris, come on!" He called impatiently, motioning at the co-pilot chair.

"I-I can't fly," I muttered lamely.

"Time is of the essence, get in the chair and strap in, we have to go now. The government is probably on to us by now."

Don't want to be Refreshed, do ya Aris? A snide voice broke into my thoughts. My body threw itself into gear, as if I was born knowing how to fly. My hands skimmed across the dashboard, flipping switches and pushing buttons. The plane began to levitate.

We began to fly.

The engines burst into life, shattering the greenhouse instantly. Within seconds the Entron house was nothing more than a speck.

This is freedom, Aris.

We were suddenly a very long way from home and the adrenaline had worn off. The cabin was silent between us, and now that the city was gone, the Terrain was black and grim. But it wasn't an Obsidian black, it was an abyss black. The unknown that swallows up hope and spawns fear.

I shivered in my seat and Trey looked at me silently, "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you change your mind?"

I looked through the open window that displayed nothing, "I found out… something that jarred me from the lies I had been living." I left it at that.

"What do you mean?" Trey pushed.

"It's nothing, Entron. Mind your own business."

"It is my business, Aris. We're in this together, as cliché as it sounds. I want to know. Your reason might be to sell me out, could it not?" he said jokingly.

I stared at him, "Even if it was. I wouldn't tell you, huh?"

"How about I start off first then?" He asked, "You want to know why I proposed the plan in the first place, right?"

That was true. I pretended not to care, "I guess."

He smiled. "Do you know who Rey Entron is?" He asked quietly.

"No…" The name brought nothing to me. I had never heard of that person in my life. Maybe it was an ancestor, I thought to myself, thinking of Tetra.

"Of course not. No one does. He was my older brother."

"Impossible. You're the eldest of the Entron family."

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