End of the school day (Gina's POV)

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So the Bell rang it was time for the last class of the day. I stood up from my desk in the Art Class and walked to the door. I walked out of the class room and walked to my last class for the day I am so happy that it is the last class. anyway I was walking in the Hallway to my class I saw this one young women with a young man. The young Man had dirty blond hair and the young women had light brown hair with glasses they looked the the people who came in to the auditorium earlier when I was in drama class. They were both walking this way and I accidentally bumped into them. 

"Oh My goodness I am so sorry I was trying to get to my class in time before the bell rings and I end up showing up late for Class I am Gina Porter I am a Sophomore here." I said as I looked at them and sighed I was wondering why those people are here today but it was none of my business  at all so I just started to walk again. The Girl called out my name and I looked back at them.

"I am Kelsi Nelson and this is Ryan Evens we are back at East High Visiting here because we graduated here 10 years ago I think it was I can't fully remember at all." Kelsi said as she looked at me and smiled she sounds super nice of course I smiled back at here my mind was trying to get to class in time.

"What class are you going to Gina maybe we know the teacher and they might let you off easy." Ryan said to me as he looked at me and smiled I showed them the teacher's name and they both looked at each other and smiled they offed to take me to the class room so I said OK. When I got in the class room I was expecting the teacher to yell but he didn't yell at all that kind of frightened me a little bit maybe he knows Kelsi and Ryan.

"Mr. Even and  Miss Nelson your here hear with one of my students how is life going?" I heard the teacher ask as he smiled at them and gave both of them a hug wow he really knows them and he wasn't mad at me at all since this class is a Study hall I saw Nini and Ashlyn sitting at a table I walked over to the table and put my stuff down next to Ashlyn.

"Life is fine anyway your student bumped into us in by mistake and we offered to walk her to class because she was worried  that you were going to be mad at her for being late for class I hope you didn't mind." Ryan explained to the teacher surprisingly he was not mad at all I was happy about that.

"So why are you late for Class Gina? I am just wondering because you are never late for class at all." Ashlyn said as she smiled and looked at me I looked at Ashlyn and got my homework out and put it on the table not answering Ashlyn's Question right now. Ashlyn just looked at me confused Nini looked confused as well.

"I bumped into a few people in the hall on my way to class they offed to walk me to class because I was afraid that the teacher would give me a detention if I was late for class but they just offered to walk me to class and it sounds like he knows those two very well." I told Ashlyn and Nini as I smiled at them and looked down at my homework.

"That is so cool you are not getting in trouble with that teacher he is the toughest teacher that I know he is not a teacher that you want to mess with." Nini said as she looked over her assignments Nini then looked up at me and Ashlyn. 

So this last class flew by before i knew it the final bell for the day rang Me, Ashlyn, and Nini went out in the hallway and went to our lockers to get our bags to go home Nini was waiting for Ricky of course. Ashlyn and I waiting for her Cousin Ej to get out of class he is our ride home. 5 minutes has passed by and Ej finally came out of his class room. 

"Finally your here what took you so long?" Ashlyn asked Ej as she sighed Ej didn't look to happy at all I knew this was going to be an awkward car rid all the way back to Ashlyn's house so i better brace myself right now and just put my headphones on.

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