In Study Hall (Carlos POV)

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 So, I came back from  Lunch I was Happy for my Study Hall Class Only because Miss Jenn Is the teacher for my 5th Class Study Hall. Miss Jenn is also my Drama teacher she is the best teacher there is. Anyway I was walking in the hallway to the room where I have my study hall Class I saw Miss Jenn sitting at the desk waiting for the bell to ring. I came in the Class Room and sat down at my normal spot Miss Jenn waved Hi to me I waved back of course. I had no homework at all or any behind class work so all I would be doing is just sitting and reading. The Bell rang class is starting, and Ej was talking to his friend a little bit loud. It looked like Miss Jenn had a headache because her head was in her hands, although she could be annoyed because Ej is talking a little bit loud.

"Ej, could you please be quite this is Study Hall you shouldn't be talking at all plus I have a major Headache." I heard Miss Jenn said as she sighed and looked down at the desk. Meanwhile I was just getting my book out so I can Read there was a soft knock on the door and Miss Jenn was about to get up to open the door. I beat her to it though, so when I opened the door I saw Ricky I actually forgot he was in my study hall class.

"Hi Carlos sorry I am late Miss Jenn." Rick said as he sat down at his desk Miss Jenn did not look happy at all maybe because she has a headache or maybe its because Ricky is late for Class. I personally think its because Ricky is late for class. Now since Ricky is late Miss Jenn might just  give us a lecture on being on time for Class joy I say Thanks Ricky.

"Ricky what is your excuse why are you late for class haven't you learned anything when I gave the drama a lecture for being late for class on Friday or were you not listening to what I was saying?" Miss Jenn asked as she looked at Ricky and then she sighed. I really hope he was listening to what she was saying on Friday, if Ricky says he didn't listen to what Miss Jenn was saying on Friday and he tells her that he didn't listen to anything sh said Miss Jenn is just going to get mad again.

"Um um I was at the Principals office Miss Jenn sorry I am late it won't happen again." Ricky said as he looked at Miss Jenn and sighed. I saw Miss Jenn was even more annoyed now then when class started. If Ricky was at the office the principal should have gave him a late pass to have proof that he was with the Principal, but I don't see one at all.

"Ricky if you were with the Principal he should have given you a pass so I know you were there, so were would the pass be? Tell me the truth where you actually were at Ricky and don't lie to me." I heard Miss Jenn say as she sighed and looked at Ricky, I am surprised that Miss Jenn is mad at Ricky considering that Ricky is her boyfriend's son I would think that she would go easy on him.

"Fine Miss Jenn I was talking to a friend of mine and I lost track of the time I am so sorry for being late for class can you please forgive me just this once. Yes I did here what you were saying on Friday and please please don't tell my dad it was just a minor mistake." I heard Ricky say as he gave Miss Jenn the puppy eyes it always works on Miss Jenn I don't know why.

"Ricky if I let you off the hook for missing class everyone would want to be let off the Hook for being lat for class so my answer is no I am sorry Ricky I can't let you off the hook lunch detention with me tomorrow now please go sit in your seat." Miss Jenn said as she looked at her laptop. I feel bad for Ricky but not to bad he might be her boyfriend's son but she can't give him special treatment at all No matter what.

My mind wondered off on thinking about those college students that came in the auditorium earlier why were they here and what did they want at east high. I wast thinking that they were lost or something but I don't exactly know you can't judge by anything you can on if guess. The rest of study hall went quickly before I knew it the bell rang to switch to the next class.

Crossover HSMTM/HSMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon