Lunch at East High (Ashlyns POV)

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So the Lunch Bell rang I was walking in the hall toward the Cafeteria with Nini and Gina we all have the same lunch together. I was thinking about those students that came in the Auditorium earlier for first class a voice interrupted my thoughts I snapped out of it. the only voice I heard was Nini's I looked at Nini and Gina I saw Gina's hand waving back and fourth in front of my face then I sighed.

"Are you OK Ashlyn?" Nini asked me as she looked at me then she looked at Gina I looked at both of them and shook my head yes. Nini and Gina didn't believe me it looked like yet again I am Not a mind reader I don't think anyone is except for maybe Miss Jenn she already did read  my mind one time creepy. speaking of Miss Jenn I saw her in the cafe talking to Mr. Mozzaira the robotics teacher I am surprised they are not butting heads today at all they always do.

"Um Ashlyn are you OK?" Gina asked me at least I was sure it was Gina I don't know I wasn't paying attention I was keeping an eye on Miss Jenn it look like she wasn't happy about something yet again it could be where I was standing at distant wise, but It look like something is bothering her maybe her and Mr. Mozzaria were butting heads today. Gina tapped me on the shoulder to snap me out of my thoughts again.

"Yeah I am fine I am just going to talk to Miss Jenn quickly I will be right back." I said as i left the two girls their as I was walking over to miss Jenn I saw those students the ones from earlier they came in the cafe to eat Lunch with us basically well not us per say but it is still our lunch time. Anyway as I got closer to Miss Jenn she looked pretty annoyed at this time i was asking if I should back away or get closer to her. To late Miss Jenn already saw me so I just kept walking foreword.

"Hi Ashlyn are you OK?" The blond teacher asked me as she looked at me and smiled I smiled back at her. Miss Jenn is a very friendly teacher every time she is in the cafeteria when I have Lunch I go up to her and say hi just to be nice. Are musical this year is going to be fun Miss Jenn's words not mine I have no idea what the musical is yet this year I would like to know, but I guess Miss Jenn is going to wait until after Christmas to tell us what it is I guess. 

"Um Yeah I am fine Miss Jenn how are you Miss Jenn? You look a little annoyed today, but you were fine earlier now you just look really annoyed." I said to Miss Jenn as I sighed and waited for her to respond or if she responds she looked confused at this point maybe I should not have said anything now I regret asking her about that.

"Mr. Mozzaira Ashlyn again we have been at each others throats all day and I am really starting to get sick and tired of it. I tried to play nice all he is doing is being totally rude." Miss Jenn said as she sighed and looked at me. Oh poor miss Jenn I wish I could do something to help her sadly I can't what does he have against Miss Jenn that has me thinking.

I walked back to Nini and Gina they both just looked at me like really? I was confused why they are looking at me like that. I just remembered that I left Miss Jenn standing right their and then I saw this girl with long wavy blond hair that I saw in class earlier she was on of the students that was sitting in my first class. I walked over to her and said hi more like introduced myself Nini and Gina followed me.

"Hi I am Ashlyn what is your name?" I asked the girl with blond hair and she smiled at me and I smiled back at her. The girl with the blond hair looked pretty and nice she also looked really wealthy. Nini and Gina looked at me and they smiled and introduced themselves as well there was these other two girls that came next to the blond hair girl one was colored and the other one had light brown hair.

"I am Sharpay Evens this is Taylor Makessie and Kelsi Nelson. Nice to meet you guys we are old wildcats we are just visiting our old school Today." The Blond girl spoke and she smiled I smiled back at her I couldn't really tell if Nini and Gina were smiling or distracted at least she is nice though and old wildcats so cool.

Nice to meet you guys as well how about you guys come sit with us at our table and Join us for lunch and welcome back to East High." I said as I smiled at the three girls and they smiled back Nini and Gina smiled as well. Sharpay agreed to sit with us and so did Taylor and Kelsi I am glad they didn't say no I like meeting new people.

We all got our lunch and sat down at our table and started eating and talking my mind started to focus back on Miss Jenn I can't believe I didn't even say bye to her before I went back to Nini and Gina.

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