Cafe (Mike's POV)

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So, I just got done with my shift at the hospital and after I came out of the hospital I got in my car and drove to the cafe. As soon as I got to the Cafe my cell phone went off I looked at it and saw a message from Jennifer she sounded aggravated again.

Jenn: Are you done working at the hospital or no I really need to talk to you its about Ricky.

Luckily I am done with work for the day so I did texted her back I wen inside the cafe and ordered some Coffee then after I sat down at the table then I responded to her text. It is true I was a little bit worried about here because she sounded like she was aggravated most of the day what did Ricky do to her now. 

Mike: Yes Jenn I am sitting at the cafe are you done with school for the day or no? 

after I sent her the text I put my phone down on the table  waiting for her to texted back a few moments passed by and I heard my phone go off again I picked my phone back up and looked at it.

Jenn: Yes I am just heading to my car now Mike.

Mike: OK come to the cafe that is where I am at 

Jenn: OK Mike see you soon

Mike: Yep see you soon

I put my phone down on the table again I decided to order Jennifer's tea a while so she wouldn't have to order it when she got here. After I ordered her tea I brought the tea cup back to the table. Not long after I came back to sit down the cafe door opened and then closed. I saw Jennifer looking around for me I decided to walked over to her and bring her back to the table so we can sit and talk.

"So what is wrong what did Ricky do this time?" I asked Jenn as I saw here sitting down Jennifer is a very beautiful women she is very sweet and caring and funny at times it pains me to see or hear that something is bothering her. I was waiting for Jennifer to respond I wonder if Ricky did something to upset her.

"He was about 5 or 10 minutes late for class I can't really remember at the moment I had to give him Lunch detention for tomorrow. I gave a whole speech on Friday on being late and and on time for Class, but I guess it went in one ear and out the other." Jennifer said as she sighed and took a sip of her tea I reached my hand across the table and grabbed Jennifer's hand and give it a little squeeze.

"I am so sorry Jenn Ricky is in so much trouble when he gets home. I also told him this morning don't be late for class today because you sounded so aggravated when you sent that text." I said to Jennifer as I gave her a warm smile Jenn smiled back at me.

"I wasn't aggravated when I sent the text I put it all in Caps lock because I was hoping that when all of the parents read the message I was hoping that they would tell the kids not to be late for class." Jennifer said as she sighed I could tell that Jennifer was really stressed out so I got off my chair went behind Jennifer's chair and gently started to rub her shoulders 

"Jenn everything will be OK I promise as I said Ricky is in trouble when he gets home OK. How are you feeling I remember you saying something about being Dizzy when you texted me on Lunch brake."  I said to Jennifer as I felt Jennifer rested the Back of her head on my stomach I knew that she was super relaxed now.

"I was just hungry Mike and thirsty you were right it was hunger." I heard Jennifer say as she sighed and she felt even more relaxed I continued to rub her shoulders I saw Jennifer trying not to fall asleep i was smiling I stopped rubbing Jennifer's shoulders and went to go sit back down in my seat."

"see I told you it was from Hunger and dehydration Jennifer I may not be your doctor but any doctor would tell you this you have to take care of yourself even when your at work without any fluids in your system you could become dehydrated and possibly end up in the hospital. and you have to eat a little bit more I see all bones but barley no skin." I said to Jennifer as I smiled at her she smiled back.

"I  know Mike I just eat healthy." Jennifer said as she looked at me and sighed then she took a sip of her tea. I really don't want to lecture her she looks like she had a rough day already I am so happy that Jennifer is eating healthy good for her. All I know is that Ricky will be grounded for a week for being late for class.

"Jenn are you sure that you are not aggravated right now?" I asked Jennifer as I looked at her I am just double checking making sure that she isn't aggravated she might get really annoyed if I keep asking her thought or upset I don't know which one yet.

"I am super sure Mike I am not aggravated at all" Jennifer said as she smiled at me and took another sip of her tea I smiled back at her and then reached for her hand I saw Jenn's face turn a red color she is defiantly blushing.

"Jenn how you come over to the house tonight and we could watch a movie together?" I asked Jenn when I asked her Jennifer just smiled at me and nodded her head yes I then Kissed the top of Jenn's hand and smiled back at her       

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