Waiting for Ashlyn (Nini's POV)

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I woke up around 6:00 in the morning to the smell of Waffles My mom or my other mom Carol must have made them they smell soo good. Anyway today is the day Ashlyn picks me up to take me to school yesterday Ricky took me to school I got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast. When I got down there I saw my mom standing at the stove with the spatula in her hand. My mom loves to cook my mom has her own business she is a carter Carol my other mom is a nurse good for her. I sat down at the table waiting for waffles finally after 5 minutes of waiting my mom put a plate of waffles on the table. 

"So how did you sleep last night Nini" My mom asked me as she sat down at the table and gave me the syrup to put on my waffles. My mom looked at her phone waiting for my response about how I slept last night I was lost in my own thoughts. I was wondering if Ricky looked at any of my messages yet I hope he did especially about waking up. All I know is that Miss Jenn was irradiate on Friday when I forget who was late for class, but she was NOT happy about that her class is in the morning first thing.

"Um good Yours mom?" I asked my mom about her night as well then I got back to my thoughts. I don't know what made Miss Jenn snap she is the sweetest person you could ever know all of the drama students love her, and so do all of the parents especially Ricky's dad. Ricky's dad and Miss Jenn are dating. I knew they would make a cute couple like me and Ricky make a cute couple. we just started dating again anyway what is taking my mom so long to answer? Never-mind I guess I deserve the long wait it took me forever to answer too.

"My night was good Nini" My mom finally said and then I heard a phone go off so I looked over at my phone hoping it was Ricky, but my phone didn't go off it was my moms phone. I saw my mom pick up the phone and looked at her phone. I was wondering if it was one of my moms clients My mom looked at me I was scared what did I do?

"Um Nini not that you would but, um don't be late for Drama Class today Miss Jenn just sent me a text all in caps she sounds aggravated, so please don't be late OK." My mom said to me as she showed me the text Miss Jenn sent My mouth fell open at the message oh my god she does sound aggravated. My mom knows that I will NEVER skip or be late for class AT ALL which she not that I would and she is right not after what happened on Friday.

"Gotcha mom DON'T be late for school because miss Jenn sounds aggravated" I said as I smiled at my mom and ate my Waffles. Carol smiled as she sat down at the table and started to eat her waffles My mom also started to eat I t must have been freezing cold outside this morning because the heat is up to 90 degrees I was sweating so much It is not even funny I will have to go change my outfit. My mom and Carol were just having a normal convo I don't really care what they are saying politics mostly.

I got up from the table put my plate in the sink and went up to my room to change because I was so sweaty due to the heat being on. I then brushes my teeth still waiting for Ashlyn is she even coming to school I asked myself that question because Ashlyn and Ej Ashlyn's cousin and My ex Boyfriend had a fight on Friday Family problems I guess Idk. After I got done brushing my teeth I sat down on my swinging chair looking out the window waiting for Ashlyn to come I hope she is OK. I checked my phone for the time Its is like 7:15 I heard a car horn go off I then looked out my window I saw Ashlyn's car. I got off my chair and went down stairs then got into the passenger side of Ashlyn's car.

"Hey Nini, how are you and sorry I am running late morning rush I guess" Ashlyn said as she smiled at me. I put my seat belt on and then stuff my schoolbag by my feet Ashlyn has a very tidy car compared to Ricky's car I smiled at Ashlyn and then looked at my phone quickly and thought about Miss Jenn Again then I sighed.

"I am OK Ashlyn, how are you, but don't be late for Drama class today Miss Jenn  sent my mom a text all in caps my mom said she sounded like she was very aggravated today." I told Ashlyn as I sighed and looked out the car window. It looks like it was going to down pour in a couple of Minutes because the sky was a dark grey color. 

"Oh OK thanks Nini for telling me about Miss Jenn. I think it was because of what happened on Friday maybe that is why she is aggravated today." Ashlyn said as she sighed and stopped at a stop sign. Ashlyn could be totally right about Miss Jenn being aggravated because of what happened on Friday, but I am not to sure it could just be personal problems at home. Oh if Ricky's dad did ANYTHING to upset Miss Jenn I would hurt him so much.

"Your Welcome Ashlyn" I said as I sighed Ashlyn finally pulled into East High's parking lot and parked Ashlyn and I both got out of the car after Ashlyn turned the car off we saw Big Red and Ricky standing there waiting I looked at my phone to check the time it was 7:25, 5 mins until home room. I put my phone back in my pocket and looked at the rest of the people we went inside the building.           

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