Chapter 4

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"Otaku Mode, The Tour, Moving Too Fast, and Break-ups"

Niall's POV
"Will you go out with me?" I asked

"That move is wayyyyy too fast! Chill, Niall, Chill! Dude, we just met" She replied. She was right. I was moving too fast.


"Just wait 'till next month? Now, let me be on my Otaku Mode" I laughed. She was funny.

They lads came bursting in. Why? I don't know.


"Huh? Why? I thought I wasn't supposed to leave" She said raising an eyebrow at Liam.

"Isn't that tour on February 7, 2015?" I asked

"Yeah but I think we have some places to go until the 31st of October?" Zayn replied

"Are you guys sure? I mean like, you were the ones that had the idea to go on tour, right?" Kylar asked

"I guess so" I replied

"I'll check wikipedia. Oh there it is: The On the Road Again Tour is the fourth headlining concert tour by English-Irish boy band One Direction. The tour will visit all five major cities in Australia from 7 February 2015 in Sydney and will end on the 20th of the same month in Perth. The second leg of the tour will begin in Japan on 24 February and will end in Jakarta on 25 March. The third leg of the tour begins in Johannesburg, 28 March and will end in Cape Town. The fourth leg begins in Dubai on 4 April. The fifth leg begins in Austria on 10 June and will end on 27 June in Finland. The sixth leg begins in North America on 9 July and finishes on 12 September 2015. The seventh and final leg kicks of in Europe on 24 September with the final show on 31 October, 2015. The concert tour will promote the band's fourth studio album, Four, along with their previous albums: Midnight Memories, Take Me Home and Up All Night" We read everything from the computer.

"Damn, that is long" Kylar said. We all looked at her.

"NOT IN THAT WAY YOU PERVERTS!" She said throwing a pillow at us

"Says the girl that reads hentai" Harry said and we all burst into laughter, except Kylar.

Kylar's POV
Yeah, I read what? The girls are just too sexy. Wtf am I saying? Arghh.. Nevermind.

Louis's phone buzzed and he answered it.

"Hello? ELEANOR!" He said as he put it in loud speaker

"Hi Louis. I'm on loud speaker, am I?" She asked.

"Yeah, El! Any problem?" He chirped.

"Yes, Lou. I want this conversation to be private!" She whined.

(A/N: this is just for the sake of this story I know she isn't like that in real life. Anyways, I actually ship Larry but respect Elounor but don't worry! No hate towards Elounor shippers though!)

"Uh, sure! Anything for you, El" He said as he turned off loud speaker. Is Eleanor breaking up with him?

"El? Are you sure? Maybe I can talk Simon in that"

"He already tried?! They don't want us to be together?! Simon agreed to this?! ELEANOR! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Louis was screaming. He was hurt. Fuck management. I'm glad I'm not a star.

"O-Okay, El. Let me ask ya something. Who are you supposed to date?" Louis ended the call after Eleanor answered.

"Lou, you okay mate?" Niall asked

"They're making her date someone else!" He stomped his foot.

"She even said I wasn't good enough!" He screamed. He was hurt.

"Lou, calm down. Simon agreed to this, no?" Liam asked and Louis nodded

"I'm sorry about your break-up, Louis but atleast Zayn still has a girlfriend. Maybe your sales with go up because you are now single" I smiled reassuringly at Louis.

"Thanks, Kylar. She even said that she wanted to date him in the first place. She said that she agreed to sign the contract even though she was allowed not to. They said it was a publicity stunt but she chose to make it a real one" Louis told us.

"I thought.. The conversation.." I was so damn confused. I bet you are too.

"Yeah, she seemed to love you so much.. I never knew she was like this!" Harry said as he patted Louis's pack.

"Changing the topic. Any of ya have any anime DVDs?" I asked. I couldn't take this break-up stuff.

"We don't" They replied

"Awww" I pouted

"Don't worry, love. We can go buy some" Niall told me. Did he just call me 'love'? Probably a British/Irish thing.

"YASSSS! By the way, you guys have any clothes for meh?" I asked

"Here. (Zayn throws a dress at my face) Ellen bought this for you." I threw a pillow at Zayn.


"It's either that or one of our clothes" Zayn said

"FINEEEE" I replied with an annoyed look. I hate dresses. Especially the one they gave me! IT'S ABOVE MY KNEE! It's too short!!

"Will ya guys let me shower and leave me alone? I am a girl, after all" I said and they went outside.

I climbed out of bed. I saw blood stains on it and also on my underwear.


CLIFFHANGER AGAIN! Lol! I love doing this. Anyway, I felt like making Kylar on her period because I just finished mine. If you're young, it doesn't hurt. JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE STOMACH ACHES AND HAVE TO GO TO THE SCHOOL CLINIC EVERY 10 minutes! See ya in the next chappie!

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Baii my Wittle Oreos!

-Jennie xx

Stuck With Them? - A 1D Fanfic *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now