chapter 11

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Dedicated to imavictor and rukevwe1, thanks so much for the support so far. Sorry for the late update, I made this chapter extra long, enjoy.....

           Ian was getting antsy. They were approaching the period when she was taken two years ago. He still hadn't gotten over her disappearance. And he didn't want a repeat of what had happened, so he tightened the security around the keep, doubled the guards on duty. Nobody came in or out of the keep without his knowledge. And a personal guard was assigned to April. She had been annoyed when she found out about it. He sighed and left the study.

Those border Lairds were becoming a nuisance now. He would have to travel there and remind them of their place. It was a journey he was not looking forward to, because the Laird just happened to be the father of Freyr, and he didn't want to leave his wife just yet. He entered into the hall and saw that preparations for dinner were being made. The long table at the center of the hall had been set, and many jugs of ale had been placed.

             He poured himself a cup and went down the hallway, pretending to be passing by so he could glance into the kitchen, hoping to catch a glimpse of her with smudges of flour on her clothes and the scent of spices clinging on her. But she wasn't there. So he stopped and entered the kitchen, and all activity stopped. He nodded at them to continue their work and went over to meet Brienne by the stove.

"If you are hoping to steal some of my bread, then you are sorely mistaken boy. You better get out of my kitchen before I bath you with hot water," she threatened and he laughed.

Brienne always had a way of putting him out of his bad moods, and she was the only one who dared to speak to him in that manner.

"Of course not nana, I was hoping to...." but she cut him off.

"Oh, come to see your bride was it? she's not ere, gone down to the village with Marge and Karen," she said, and at the look of anger on his face, she quickly added, "Take it easy on her boy. The lass has no idea what happened. No one wants to explain to her. Though it would make things easier if you just told her."

Brienne didn't approve of him keeping what happened with Myrcella from April, and neither did his father. But he wanted to tell her when he thought the time was right, and right now was not the time. He was pissed. He spun around and marched down down to the stables.

       Even after he had specifically told her not to leave the premises of the keep, she still did. God, what he wanted to do right now was spank her and then make love to her till he broke her will to defy him. Trust April to know which of his buttons to push. At least she had taken Marge and Karen with her, and he trusted Alan to be guarding her from a safe distance.

Quickly, he mounted his horse and after giving the guard that opened the gate for April a very dark look, he went galloping down the road. He arrived at the village quickly, and found her instantly despite the crowd in the market. She was smiling at some trader, and he was smiling right back. The sight made his blood boil. He saw Alan making his way over to him and he dismounted, handing the reins over to him as he made his way towards an unsuspecting April.


"Ma! am done," April said as she wiped her hands with a napkin. "I'd like to go down to the village. Marge, Karen, would you like to come with me?" She asked.
Marge nodded while Karen said, "sure, just give me a second."

"April," began Brienne, "you know Ian doesn't want...."

"I know. But no one wants to explain what happened, and why I am being told to stay in the keep, so I guess I'll just do what's in my mind, and Ian can suck it up."

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