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"I like you more than I had planned to."

The famous double black, known for their tremendous power and unrivaled teamwork. The Port Mafia's Ace card and strongest duo, a combination of two mafia executives, Chuuya Nakahara and Dazai Osamu. 

And they hated each other. 


The famous duo was now being transported back to the base after a mission. Because Chuuya was currently unconscious, and Dazai was not trusted with a vehicle, one of their subordinates was called out for the transportation. 

Dazai Carried Chuuya into the backseat and straiten him out so he could sit beside him. Currently Chuuya was asleep due to the effects of corruption. And once they were both settled, they made the journey back to Yokohama. 

"Sleepy Little Shrimp." Dazai smiled to himself as he glanced at the silent ginger. He didn't know how long Chuuya would sleep. He did know it was going to take a couple hours to get back to base though. It was the middle of the night and his body ached from the fight. It would be a while till they had another pair mission. He sighed at the thought and looked at the window.  'The deserted land held no beauty in the moonlight' he thought and turned back to his partner.

"Ya know, when you're not yelling at me, you actually look quite nice." He paused for a moment. "Like a kitten."  Chuuya shifted and leaned against Dazai. The new warmth was pleasant and he tried to get closer to Chuuya, absorbing the warmth.  "Even after fighting for an hour, and having a literal God possess your body, you still smell nice." He stroked the smaller male's hair. This side of Chuuya was nice, and it wasn't very often that he seen it.  

"I think," He started Staring at the males closed eyes, "I'm starting to like you more than planned." He let out a breath.

"...warm" The ginger whispered out. 

He pause looking at the ginger before letting out a giggle, "Just like a kitten." He leaned his head on the other while dozing of to the base.

He was numb for a moment, opening his eyes to an interesting sight. Glistening blue. With bruises and blood. His body shot up and he looked around. He was on the ground, close to the road but lain in a green patch of clovers on the side.

"Chuuya!" He looked back at the ginger. 

"Yeah I'm good. Turns out a strangler got loose and bombed the road, waiting for us. They were tracking us, apparently they slipped in a tracker in my pocket before I used corruption." He sighed. "I'm not exactly sure where we are, and you have a bit of a head injury, so we should either try heading back to base, or there is a town nearby,so it might be best to rest there." Chuuya rambled on. Dazai touched his head feeling the warm liquid. He began to feel dizzy but stood up anyway. 

"Yeah, lets go into town. It might still be dangerous out here." He said, careful making sure his words left no sign of weakness. 

Chuuya looked him up and down. "Are you sure you can walk." He questioned.

"Yeah I'm good. Lets head to town." He said, repeating himself. He held his head as it spun. "Which way is it?"

"Are you sure? You look a bit wobbly, It wouldn't be good if you collapsed." Chuuya pointed out.

"I said I'm fine!" Dazai snapped to the ginger. "I can handle myself." He started walking the complete opposite direction of the town, unknown to himself. 

Chuuya ran up beside him and punched him in his side, causing him to double over with addition to his aching ribs. "Now you listen here. Anyone could tell that you having trouble,so just lean on me or let me carry you." Chuuya yelled at the taller male.

"No need." Dazai countered.

"Shut up dammit. We are partners. So just let me help you. Stubborn freak." Chuuya said bending his knees. "Come on, I'm hungry. Lets go find a motel or something."  

Dazai slightly smiled and got on Chuuya's back. "Aw, so Chibi does care for me!" 


Word Count: 699-ish

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Please let me know you thoughts and opinions.

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