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this didn't really have a prompt


"I, Dazai Osamu, Take thee Chuuya Nakahara, to be my wedded husband," A blush grew on his face as he smiles at his love." to have and to hold, from this day forward," He closed his eyes, not being able to contain the smile growing across his face. He squeezed the smaller hands and spoke,"For Better, for worse, for richer, for poorer," He sighed, opening his eye to focus on the cobalt eyes lovingly watching him. "To love ant to cherish, till death to us part." Dazai looked at his hands, that held tightly to his partner's, he let out a breath and loosened them. He looked back up, here the same vows fall out if his lover's lips.

This was it, this was the moment they had been waiting for since they were sixteen. They had gone through so much to get here, they had went through hell together, and know it felt like heaven. 

"You may kiss the groom."  The preacher said.

Dazai held Chuuya's small frame, leaning down to reach the shorter's lips. It felt like the first time they kisses, it felt so real, so passionate, and too far from reality. He head spun his happiness and he kissed they one he had loved for so many years. They one that made him want to live, the one that made him feel love. A passionate kiss that sealed a promise of forever.

Till death do us part

A sweat rolled down his forehead as he patted down the bed, a cold mattress that brought him back to reality. He frantically searched the room. His own room, that he once shared with Chuuya. He froze as he looked at the empty spot, and a flood of realization hit him. A sob left his slight parted lips and he crumbled, falling back into the mattress and hugging the pillow that somehow still smelled of his love.

 Despite the fading years. 

He held the pillow tightly, humming the tune to their song. A sweet tune that calmed him down. He fell back asleep, still dreaming sweet of the time he spent with his partner, soon to wake up in tears again, continuing this nightly cycle. Soon to remember the death of the only one he every love, and how he watched him die trying to save him. 

Using corruption while Dazai laid, unable to move. Watching as his lover fell deeper and deeper, watching as how the twisted god  broken and turned his body painfully, breaking him for the sake of destruction. Laying in pain and fear as the life of Chuuya Nakahara slipped through the grasps of the god Arahabaki, and his sadistic way of controlling the small male. Watching as it was all over, the yelling and lack of movement, the moment he realized his life had no meaning. 

A nightmare that was reality, and he would never escape from that truth.


Word Count: 486-ish

Sorry it's so short, i  hope to be able to write something very long next time.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Please let me know you thoughts and opinions. 

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